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Over watering... update w/ pics

SmokenFire said:
Dunlop 33 nylon - the pick to take to the island!
Glad the plants are gonna make it AR.  
I wish there had been an old acoustic kickin' around down there. Would've been amazing! I would love to take a small one on my travels abroad but I already have overflow into the GFs luggage due to SCUBA gear. Heh, how I get away with that one still amazes me to this day.
spysee said:
They look like they are going to bounce back just fine.
I just thought of an idea for any future vacations and relying on anyone to water. Have them take a picture and send it to you each day and you let them know if they need watering. A few years ago that would be ridiculous, but with stupid technology its not really a hassle unless you don't have a phone/internet/digital camera.
Good idea! Have another coming up the end of April so things will have to be done differently..
SL3 said:
You ever think of moving the light closer to the plants?
Well, while it was in the cooler basement I started with it at 6in and was getting sunburn, raised it to 9in and some were still purpling, at 12in they seemed to level out, more or less, there are a handful whose leaf veins still don't look right.
When I moved them into the warmer room on the 27th I elected to keep it at around the same distance so as not to stunt them even more...
I am unsure if the temperature had anything to do with it so I was planning to let them grow closer and see what happens. I thought it quite strange that I was getting these results, but assumed that the 20,000 lumens put out by the t5-ho was just too strong for them. One of the CGN21500s I have is completely purple and from google photos it doesn't look like it's supposed to be. 
To be perfectly honest I really don't know if I should try to put it closer or just leave it, first time grower with lights and indoors so I guess I'm trying to learn as I go.
Big thanks to everyone's comments and opinions btw.
Plants are looking great. Seems like you dodged that bullet. I wouldn't worry about the height too much at this stage. They're only little and don't need much to have good growth. If you are seeing purple tanning on the leaves that indicates that the plants are having to protect themselves against the light intensity so you're right to lift it up a bit. Last year I cooked a couple of plants under some new high power led lights I bought. Bleached the leaves white in one day! They'll get tougher over time and be able to handle a higher intensity.
Thanks I thought the same about the lights but being new I figured it best to be open to other ideas. I restarted a bunch last week and today so it will be a race to live, better to have a back up plan I think! Here are a few of my newly hatched friends:

In other news, I came home from spending the weekend at my girl's and found this nonsense! ::

there were 8 victims, however I think all but a Brown Moruga will survive... though I think it too may come back overnight -- we'll see. Here is the same guy about 4 hrs later::

This has definitely been a learning experience!
Alright, so, it's been ten days since posting and 18 since getting home.
There has been zero change in most of my plants. Zip. No greening up. No growth whatsoever. Roots look fine (see red photo pg 1). I have been waiting for a droop of the leaves to water and then I only water a little like maybe 1cm in the bottom of the red solos. Roots are down there most are popping through the holes. Roots all actually seem to be in great condition. Fan is on while the light is on. They are drying up fine.
For example the wilted guy above looks exactly the same today and he CLEARLY was not over watered. No new greening no growth. Just that hazy light lime colouring...
Strange thing - I repotted several that were in smaller cups (because there were two in each) and used a different type of mix and they are doing great so I repotted my yellowing cumaris (2/3) and they have turned around it seems as well. Funny thing - the new damp soil that they're flourishing in seems much heavier with water than the other solo cups. See the pulled cup on pg one... much heavier than that one. The first mix is promix+perlite, the second is a random bag of vegetable and herb soil + perlite (perlite added to the same ratio in each.
I've gone through numerous glogs and it seems like you guys water every few days - like a good soaking. Should I be too? Incredibly frustrating because it seemed like an over watering issue but I've cut back and see zero green and more leaves are yellowing worse and dropping...
I repotted a few more in the other soil to see what happens...
Could this be something else? Should I be fertilising at this point? I figured they so small they're still using whats in the soil itself. Maybe the soil was too hot?
I watered yesterday with a light dose of liquid ferts in one row to see what happens. There goes their myco but whatever.
Speaking of hot my temps are: H86 L74
Light is quite far away but still I'm seeing purple veins on some.
I dunno what else to say? I am going to try to get them all into new dirt..
Could a slight PH issue in my water cause this? I've been using tap water that sits for 5+days to dechlorinate and it was fine from the hose last summer..
At this point many of my backups are well into their first set of true leaves so I have the option of scrapping a lot of the stalls but if I don't figure out whats going on they may suffer the same fate.
So the pot ups in the new soil are doing well and the others in the original mix are continuing to struggle? I first transplanted my seedlings into bigger cups but used the same miracle grow seed starting mix and they didnt care for it too much. Slight yellowing, slow growth and what not. So I put them in a mix of probably 75% coco coir 25% leftover mg and just a sprinkle of fox farms happy frog vegetable fertilizer. They seem to like it I have a couple seedlings left in the smaller cups and they are noticeably smaller than the others.
Most of the others in the original pot-up mix, yes - a couple baccatums seem to be growing slowly still, and I have a moruga that was doing great (bigger than the rest) and was green when I got home from my trip but now is slowly fading in colour and stunting (I definitely did not over water this guy, I was very careful on that.). The mix is just a potting soil by promix with added perlite... contents label read balanced peat, compost, black earth, fish/forest compost...
I am thinking that I will change over as many as possible and see what happens
I'll post more pics later today..
Update: No new photos but it is really starting to look like it was the soil I was using.
I have repotted all but about 7 on various days and in every case the plants have started greening up within 24hrs. The previous mix has been dry and I have been watering it properly yet still zero growth and no greening up.
It's actually pretty cool -- even the yellowest leaves are making  a comeback. I will post before and after photos once the change is complete to end the thread full with a full recovery.
Now my new little issue is that I've germinated multiple backups for nearly every variety and have no room for them all! I am thinking I'll eventually windowsill a bunch when space becomes limited under the lights and then sell them on kijiji closer to plant out time. I am lined up to give away about a dozen of the probably 60ish extras I have on my hands now. Not too worried about this though and it's nice to have them in case anything else goes pear-shaped on me.
Edit: Actually I'll add two pics.
Orange Bhut Copenhagen - this guy was over watered over my holiday for sure but also got worse after I straightened out the watering issue.

Here is a Moruga that has not been overwatered but was in the same mix. Taken 4 days ago, repotted two days ago. I was very careful not to over water this guy.

Will post follow up in about a week I figure.
I was having the same issue. Swapping soil was a night and day change for me. It took less than a week for some plants to turn around.
blorvak said:
I was having the same issue. Swapping soil was a night and day change for me. It took less than a week for some plants to turn around.
Crazy how fast things can turn around, eh? Trial and error. I actually solved the issue by mistake, I had to pot up a couple fatalii sprouts that hadn't suffered yet from the old soil (it seemed to take a while to take a hold, about the third set of leaves in is where the issues started on those who were not over watered) and they literally exploded with growth. So I thought what the hell I'll try one of the cumari do paras I was really worried about losing and voila -- recovery ensued and the mystery was (sorta because I have no clue what was up with mix one) solved!
AaronRiot said:
Crazy how fast things can turn around, eh? Trial and error. I actually solved the issue by mistake, I had to pot up a couple fatalii sprouts that hadn't suffered yet from the old soil (it seemed to take a while to take a hold, about the third set of leaves in is where the issues started on those who were not over watered) and they literally exploded with growth. So I thought what the hell I'll try one of the cumari do paras I was really worried about losing and voila -- recovery ensued and the mystery was (sorta because I have no clue what was up with mix one) solved!
You're right about that! I had been driving myself crazy worrying about over watering/under watering/feeding/temp/etc, and I only stumbled across the soil when potting up a stray seedling my wife saved from the compost pile. And getting the idea from PaulG to try new soil.
Definitely a learning year for me!
Glad to see your plants are doing better. I think we have the same problem; I am using promix seedling mix and some my plants are showing yellowing. What soil do you have them in now?
Good to see you're working this out OK.  
Nothing wrong with having backup plants.  I have three times the number of plants I'll be able to use.  I have been culling out the extra smaller/weaker plants from each Solo and re-potting them.  I know of plenty of people I can give the extra plants to once I've chosen my keepers.  You'll be able to make a lot of people happy with those extras