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nutrients Overfertlization or missing nutrients?

I've now got 6 naga's growing and I don't think the disease I had is still around. Yay. Praise to the lord and all that nonsense. However I think I have a nutrient problem. I've looked around, primarily at AJ's blog post and I am thinking a magnesium deficiency, but am still really none the wiser.

As well as perhaps missing some nutrients I have read posts that also suggested I may have overferterlized. Take a look at the pics below. The two biggest plants are really the problems. They have very large leaves. These leaves are very sturdy but downward pointing. It's not wilting as I just watered them this morning and this has been their state for a few weeks. As well as downward pointing they are also very nobbly. As well as this they also have an extreme amount of growth in their lower parts of the plant and all that growth seems to be doing well.

On one of the plants there is also a fair amount of upward curling on the upper/new leaves.

Well you'll see.




I've just had a thought about the downward leaves. It could also be the fact I haven't been very good with keeping the fan on the plants so it they may not be able to hold themselves up.
I was also considering that, but the fert i'm using (Chilli Focus) contains calcium. Perhaps not enough? 2.2% w/v
From what ive read, your nobbled leaves point to a calcium deficiency.
The leaves on my plants were just like that untill i started giving them bone meal
I ordered mine from Home Depot in the US.
You should have a similar hardware type store there with a garden center?
Otherwise I would think any nursery should have it.
Hmmm, problem is I've no idea what it is called here. I've asked over on Fatalii.net as it's a Finnish chili forum.
your plants still look pretty good to me oh yeah about your problem when water them how do you do it
Yes, 5ml per litre. It has directions for both young plants and older plants. it is 10ml per litre for older plants.

FYI. I've also read egg shells can be a good source of calcium.
Egg shells take a while to break down and release it.

Chilli focus can be used that often but chinense varieties like less ferts.

Cut it down to half strength.
Ok, I've already cut down the ferts. I'll keep it at that level for a while. With regards to the egg shells obviously I grind them up, but any ideas on how much to add to 1 litre of water? I also presume if i add them to water a leave for a few days they may start dissolving into the water or is that rubbish?
Who knew ground egg shells look like fine sand (well actually it's common sense I suppose, since sand is ground up shells).

Anywho... I repotted the two biggest plants a couple of days ago and since then the leaves have started flattening out, perhaps the soil in the previous containers was a bit low in calcium? I have also ground up 3 egg shells and scattered the powder around the top soil of the pots.

Flattened Out Leaves


Powdered Egg Shalls

Man, i hope you didn't breath in the egg-shell dust.

That stuff is killer, irritates my lungs like nothing else! Second perhaps only to the infamous "perlite-dust-o-dooooom" :D

Keep us posted on how they go, i'm interested to see how eggshell dust works out for you.
yeah. i took a biiiiig breath in. to be honest. it did me good . i went out and pulled 5 hot girls at once. had a massive orgy. sorry about your lungs but egg dust is a winner. it's like viagra in snort form.
