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overwintering overwintering,,cutting back,,and how bout light?


Ok i`ve cut back some of my plants and am wondering-now how much light do they require?The same-less or what?Any help would be great.If i`ve missed a thread in the past sorry.Have a great one.
Mine are almost in the dark, under something like a huge table with very, very little light reaching them. Some are still growing sprouts, which I prune every couple of weeks. I don't think they need much light at all, but this is my first year.

Ok ,,thanks,,my 1st time also and was wondering what i`m doing wrong.How long do you think?-do you bring them back out then to get started for next year?Thanks for any help.

Unless someone tell me otherwise, I'll bring them into light come the first of April at the latest and set them outside as soon as I don't have to worry about a killing frost.

I give my overwintering plants very little light or heat and most are staying semi-dormant but not aphid free:( I like to wait until about the beginning of march if I can before I bring my plants near a window or give them artificial light to kick start them.
in an indoors overwintering couldnt you easily grow chrysanthemums in & around your pot to keep the bugs at bay? Garlic chives might also be good, and by cutting the growth back & letting the vegetation compost back into the soil keep the soil active too.

Sorry may be impossible - overwintering is foreign to me but seems there must be an easy way to battle the aphids.
Indoors I personally don't like any dead vegetation in my soil or it will rot and attract insects. I've tried the companion planting thing before with garlic and marigolds but it never seemed to help. I think if I didn't have so many houseplants I'd probably have less aphids and maybe I should start sterilizing my pots and trays better too.
bentalphanerd said:
so whats the problem with a weekly spray of foliar fert & neem?

I rotate between neem, insecticidal soap, and pyrethrum, but I can never get rid of all the buggers :(
weird So they all have wings (ants will nip them off to keep them as cattle & store them underground)

If thats the case then neem should be reducing their outer shell to jelly. Maybe a sprinkling of Borax would do the trick - it's like shards of broken glass to exoskeleton insects
Diatomateous Earth - from your pool shop :) it really does a number on termites - all natural fossilized algae (technically its a carbon based salt) - it'd be worth a try.
Aphids don't always have wings but can develop them when a pheromone is released warning about predators. I've been using neem for about 5 years and I find it works good against whitefly and mites, but not so good with aphids.
thats very interesting because i've found neem to be the death of all aphids. Here though it works alongside lizards, ladybirds & ant repellent.
I've got aphids - a bad problem. Been spraying daily, sometimes twice a day. They've leaped onto the plants in hydro which are full of leaves, making it harder to spray every leaf on every plant, especially both sides.

I guess I'll find out if these are Italian aphids or not. Just sprinkled the plants with a bunch of garlic powder.

The aphids are what made start cutting them back.These seem to be immune to neem.7 dust helped a lil but has been a fight to say the least.Once again thanks for the tips.have a good one.