Papers/Journals Capsicum

Hi, I was hoping some good folk could point me in the right direction for paper/journals/research related to genus Capsicum.
Any good books etc, main interests are classification, biology, and reproduction. Thanks in advance.
There's ton's of stuff all over the net!  Start by looking at the New Mexico Chili Institute - they have back issues of their journals and also fact sheets on some of their cultivars (interesting to see how they bred them).  Just do some basic Google searches and you'll be surprised what pops up.  I found some interesting things on the CARDI website.
Thanks 'Rockstar' I'm aware aware of the net! I've also read a lot of bro-science via "Google".
The New Mexico Chilli Instititute does fantastic work of which has been taking along time to sort through. Thank you for the CARDI ref.... Should keep me busy. Happy Growing.
Like wild capsicum? I'm growing about 20 or so varieties. If you don't have growing experience I would not recommend them. Also if you go check out the wild varieties posting you can see a few pictures from my plants and a lot of discussion on the matter
Peppered Angus said:
Thanks 'Rockstar' I'm aware aware of the net! I've also read a lot of bro-science via "Google".
The New Mexico Chilli Instititute does fantastic work of which has been taking along time to sort through. Thank you for the CARDI ref.... Should keep me busy. Happy Growing.
My apologies for not opening my personal vault for you.  Seek and you shall find.
Very much better than the alternatives for finding research articles.
The book "Peppers: Vegetable and Spice Capsicums" provides a good introduction and covers all the topics you mentioned. It's very expensive and not too thick, but specialized topics earn special prices. turned up a good selection of results for the search term "capsicum" including this interesting article specific to wild varieties;jsessionid=C404CAA33AE07C2A3B28AB4B6219C764
There is a section on "what are your favourite wilds" or something similar. I posted a few references on Brazilian wild Capsicums that were published within the last 10 years. I don`t have access right now, as my hard drive blew a few days ago. 

General review on the genus Capsicum. Search on Google for whatever you are interested in and click on "Scholarly Articles"