pepper plant is kill

It's already getting cold in new york, reaching mid 40s at night, high 60s in the day, and my pepper plant's leaves are falling off. Shame cause I didn't even get a full ripened reaper. I had one pepper growing on the plant and it was still green. :/


Oh well, always next year I guess. 
Was my first time growing any sort of peppers, anyways so it wasn't like I exactly expected to get a full load of reapers lol
I would say overwatered for sure, plus the cold temps. Don't feel bad, like you said theres always next year. Try growing an annum also like a jalepeno or cayenne with chinense. Annums grow much faster and are more forgiving.

A few tips.
Start them indoors really early in your zone, around January.

Use a very free draining soil.

Treat them almost like a cactus (note, the "almost" lol)

And sun, sun and more sun :-)
sevenstrings said:
I would say overwatered for sure, plus the cold temps. Don't feel bad, like you said theres always next year. Try growing an annum also like a jalepeno or cayenne with chinense. Annums grow much faster and are more forgiving.

A few tips.
Start them indoors really early in your zone, around January.

Use a very free draining soil.

Treat them almost like a cactus (note, the "almost" lol)

And sun, sun and more sun :-)
I watered them about once a week, or until the soil was bone-dry and the leaves looked a bit wilted, so I don't think it was overwatering
but yeah i'll try the other, easier to grow peppers next year. 
Synastral said:
I watered them about once a week, or until the soil was bone-dry and the leaves looked a bit wilted, so I don't think it was overwatering 
My bad, usually when I see a plant in that condition and a new grower that is most always the case.

Next year you are gonna have a great season! Read up on starting peppers indoors under cfl's or shop lights and start em early. If I had some fresh reapers at the moment I'd send you some to try :-), I got em all frozen or dried at the moment. I should have more in 2 months or so, so if you're interested I can send ya a small box of some reapers, trinidad scorpions, ghosts, and whatever else I got ripening at the time :-)
sevenstrings said:
I watered them about once a week, or until the soil was bone-dry and the leaves looked a bit wilted, so I don't think it was overwatering

My bad, usually when I see a plant in that condition and a new grower that is most always the case.

Next year you are gonna have a great season! Read up on starting peppers indoors under cfl's or shop lights and start em early. If I had some fresh reapers at the moment I'd send you some to try :-), I got em all frozen or dried at the moment. I should have more in 2 months or so, so if you're interested I can send ya a small box of some reapers, trinidad scorpions, ghosts, and whatever else I got ripening at the time :-)
but yeah i'll try the other, easier to grow peppers next year. 
Yeah, I wanted to use lights and everything, but don't have very much money. Hoping to get a job once I turn 18, 
And there's no need to send me stuff, I got plenty of stuff. Bought a box from Wicked Mike, and got two free boxes from contests, here on these forums. Thank you for the offer, though :)
You can make a seedling starting setup for $20 dude. Just get a two bulb 4' T8 fixture from home depot or craigslist or somethin'.

No need to get fancy unless you grow indoors all year.
sevenstrings said:
You can make a seedling starting setup for $20 dude. Just get a two bulb 4' T8 fixture from home depot or craigslist or somethin'.

No need to get fancy unless you grow indoors all year.
Yeah, that provides enough heat for them, as well? I'll have to look into that.
I used to live just up the Northway from you, in the Saratoga area.   I grew morugas for the first time this summer, if you want some seeds from my pods PM me, i kinda miss upstate NY and the capital region haha.  I got some mean looking peppers, and they seem to be better adapted to the northeast, as they did pretty well up here in maine. I started my plants in my dorm room about the same time you did, and my plants are loaded.  Pods look like this when cut open. 