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Pepper spray (self defence)

A wierd one I know... Pepper spray is illegal here in holland. But people buy it in from Germany mail order.
I wondered if anyone knew what is in that stuff, is it just a concentrate? I have seen that some commercial versions can be weak and just basicaly piss the attacker off. Most of you chillie heads will be immune to the stuff.

Maybe we can develop a Thehotpepper.com organic version (not animal tested of course and no CFC's). I can get it canned here in an aerosol and test it on my neighbour who complains everytime I light the BBQ. Wanker.

Somebody here must know something..


you cant be immune if it gets in your eyes it will burn the hell out of you . try some salt in your eyes and see if you can get immune to it lol
There are different grades of pepper sprays depending on the intended application but all are simply made from Oleoresin Capsicum. Stronger versions are available for bears and elephants and military applications while weaker version are often used for law enforcement or personal protection

By the way Muzzwell, you're the third member to use that avatar. Somewhat confusing
yea its just oleoresin, ive extracted the stuff two times now with a soxhlet and its very nasty stuff. i had a very small amount on a lab scoop that i ran scalding hot water over, and my eyes and throat were immediately irritated i had to leave the kitchen until i could figure out what happened. nasty stuff

its a real bummer that you cant buy the stuff, what do they think people will use it as a weapon? here in texas you can buy it in walmart.

how about a resiniferatoxin spray?
Hi guys thnx for the reactions.

The first 4 reactions mis-understood my point, I meant immune to the weaker stuff. In germany the stuff is so regulated that you might as well spray cat urine on an attacker. Which is going to piss them off.
I have 2 daughters and they have lots of friends that have to cycle through and around Amsterdam to get to school etc.. My reasoning is always prevention is better than cure (even if you get screwed by the courts later).

The Dutch government despite being liberal on many issues is retarded when it comes to self defence and defence of ones property. Regards hunting/firearms, well then they might as well cut your meat and two veg off and turn you into a vegetarian with a cannabis dressing on your salade.

CaptainPepper I saw that too, and the whole series from Ramsay. Sad thing about this clip is that she is probably as poor as shit and has nothing to say about what she had to do. Like a 19th century european freak show. We should make some pepper spray for her to use on her husband and his father. If you look carefully at the full version you can see that she is probably under duress. Camera crew and Gordon the Fucker mutterer didn't help. Sorry if my language offends, I learnt it from the BBC.

Home-Grown Thanks for the link. Have you ever tried it out on a two legged animal.. (not a chicken). Just curious.

queequeg152 Also thankyou. I can see me turning my kitchen into an illegal pepper lab real soon. Did you test it on anyone...?
My neighbour still needs his cumuppence. I will just blame the other neighbour for the attack, she is 86 and a right fiesty old bird, she hates him too and is too old to go to Jail.

queequeg152 Also thankyou. I can see me turning my kitchen into an illegal pepper lab real soon. Did you test it on anyone...?
My neighbour still needs his cumuppence. I will just blame the other neighbour for the attack, she is 86 and a right fiesty old bird, she hates him too and is too old to go to Jail.

no i just accidentally tested it on myself.

its it bad around Amsterdam? such that they need some sort of self defense?
Queequeg, yep everyone thinks Amsterdam is mellow. Criminals live here too. Lots of problems with ethnic groups. Also because of it's reputation as a drug capital it gets a lot of undesirable through traffic. Most of the prostitution is mafia based, largely south east european based. Guns, drugs and human trafficking, nice mix. To top that the police here have no stop and search powers. I am a Brit and have some experience with the British police. They might not carry guns but they take no shit, they leave the Dutch police standing. To add insult to injury the court system here is very soft. If somebody broke into my house and I used reasonable force to remove them I would also be on trial. My Dutch father in law said in a nut shell. The police are not there to protect you but to make sure you pay your tax.

Bollocks to that. Being a father and coming to terms with the injustice in the world is not an easy thing. A piece of shit can rob somebody of their innocence and get a slap on the wrist.

Not with my friends and family..

Anyway as I said provention is better than cure.

BTW why did you try making this stuff......?


that's unfortunate, and here i thought some of the more liberal state laws in the US were ...disappointing when it comes to defending your home/property.

i made the stuff because i thought i could use it as an ingredient for a hot sauce.
originally i used only the seeds from store bought habaneros, and i got an extremely dismal amount of oleoresin, so little that i could not really measure it accuratly, id guess it was less than a quarter of a gram of oleoresin. anyway this was waaaay before i even thought of growing peppers, or even knew anything about peppers.
i have since done another extraction with lb of fresh-ish store bought habs that were dried in the sun, then in the oven at 170C, then into the food processor and blended into a fine powder.
i didnt weigh the dry pepper weight. but it filled the soxhlet completely. anyway i havent weighed the oleoresin yet but id assume its ~10grams plus of minus 2 grams

id really like to repeat this with an identical weight of dry superhot peppers like bhuts and see how the weights of oleoresin compare. id assume this could be used as a very crude measure of heat levels.

now if i could just get my bhut seeds to germinate! damn paper towel method let me down.
The paper towels were they un-bleached/un-treated. For what it's worth I germinate thin/small seeds (tomatoes, basil peppers etc..) using a non-bleached re-cycled toilet paper. Then a thin layer {4mm (1/5th inch)} of sterile compost, moisture, warmth, darkness and bobs your uncle.
I tried a few times with bleached kitchen towels and the results were crappy. Thats my experience, it works every time, the seeds have to be seasoned though every time. I remeber as a kid in school we had un-bleached blotting paper for propagating, Also those un-treated paper pulp egg boxes work well.

Hey Amsterdam is cool, but my point is you never know where lightening will strike. The same for every city. Best is to be prepared. Especially when lighting the BBQ.

The paper towels were they un-bleached/un-treated. For what it's worth I germinate thin/small seeds (tomatoes, basil peppers etc..) using a non-bleached re-cycled toilet paper. Then a thin layer {4mm (1/5th inch)} of sterile compost, moisture, warmth, darkness and bobs your uncle.
I tried a few times with bleached kitchen towels and the results were crappy. Thats my experience, it works every time, the seeds have to be seasoned though every time. I remeber as a kid in school we had un-bleached blotting paper for propagating, Also those un-treated paper pulp egg boxes work well.

Hey Amsterdam is cool, but my point is you never know where lightening will strike. The same for every city. Best is to be prepared. Especially when lighting the BBQ.


You know, i had never even considered if bleached paper could effect the germination. are you saying that there is leftover bleach in the paper?

i first had the seeds in a 'shop towel', the were all i had on hand. they are real thick and heavy duty so i thought they would work well.
i have since moved them into a second more conventional looking papper towel, as the first shop towel began to smell ... almost funky like but not quite, and some sort of rusty color also begain to creep around the edges of the paper.

im just going to go back to using peat pods, they worked great for my tabasco seeds, but they seemed to dry out to much between watering. id come back from work and they would be very dry on top and less so at the bottom.
As someone in the chat room suggested (love the chat room btw) im going to wrap the top of the seedling tray with cling wrap.. as the clear plastic lid thing is junk and leaks water vapor like crazy.
If somebody broke into my house and I used reasonable force to remove them I would also be on trial.


Funny, but unfortunatly true...

You can however ask the burglar kindly to leave, or just help him to get your tv into his car.
Never ever try to do him any harm because you will be prosecuted and you will get a much heavier punishment than the burglar.

But seriously,

Not all the pepperspray from germany is weak stuff... just know where & what to buy ;)