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I wonder if I should bother continuing to grow my hot peppers. I had a late start in the first week of April and the weather in NJ isn't cooperating. Is there a way to make hot peppers produce pods early? Next year, I start in February!
well from my experience with string beans and other legumes....when you have them in a small container (large root surface area to soil volume ratio) they usually produce a lot faster than normal (but not as plentiful)....

if you try this with peppers......i think you're gonna suffer with flower drop....who knows?
SnakeDoc said:
I wonder if I should bother continuing to grow my hot peppers. I had a late start in the first week of April and the weather in NJ isn't cooperating. Is there a way to make hot peppers produce pods early? Next year, I start in February!

I live in Upstate NY and no yard to grow in, only windows... Anyway, I alwayse start early, the beginning of January I start to germinate or this is when I cut my over wintered plants back.

I have peppers already, my Caribbean Reds are producing and my Orange Habaneros are also producing and it's only may!

As long as you have a semi decent lighting system (I use even mixture of 2700K and 6500K CFLs) you can start them indoors way early and have them do just fine and get real bushy before you even put them out!

There is no reason to NOT get Peppers, even if you live near the poles, given that you get the plants ready to produce fruit indoors early, and then expose them to the short growing season outdoors, you WILL get a decent harvest.

I say dont give up, eventually you will come to understand how vigorous peppers can be!

Good Luck :)
i have no pods, but i have buds. i'm also in jersey. i planted my first seeds in January and they aren't doing too bad. i wanted to plant out early april, but obviously that wasn't happening. it's possible though. hang in there. last year i began in May and only got a few. this year i expect more. time will tell.
Too early to give up on 'em Doc. No quitting the race until at least the middle of September.

Like the good Captain said, you can work now for a wicked 2010 harvest.

Last year was my first for growing Bhut's. Got maybe 20 ripe pods before the freeze hit and then had to finish off the last few in a paper bag. It was a beautiful plant too. At this moment that same plant is beginning to show new growth and I'm thinking by the end of July I should be seeing ripe pods on it. I am chomping at the bit to get that baby outside into the sun, see some real growing going on. The most amazing thing about the entire operation is how fast the 2009 growing season got here. When I first brought the plants in at the end of September I thought it would take forever for spring to get here. Man was I wrong.

Best of luck to ya!
patrick said:
Too early to give up on 'em Doc. No quitting the race until at least the middle of September.

Like the good Captain said, you can work now for a wicked 2010 harvest.

Last year was my first for growing Bhut's. Got maybe 20 ripe pods before the freeze hit and then had to finish off the last few in a paper bag. It was a beautiful plant too.

I wonder though, will my plants survive outside until mid-September? Can my fellow pepper growers from NJ chime in on this?

As for superhots like Bhuts, they tend to take longer to grow right? Should I start those off in January instead of February? I'm just scared that I'll have huge plants that I have no room for...

Thanks for the input guys! I'm already thinking up of how I'm going to do 2010 differently. I hope your plants are all doing well.
I wouldn't worry too much I planted my orange habs last season at the end of the 3rd week in March. Here they are say end of July beginning of August (can't quite remember)


And here they are starting to ripen.

So yea, you'll be fine. The Bhuts etc. will take longer but I still think you will be able to get some ripe pods. Good luck keep us updated.
D D D D D DDDAAAMMN Josh, beautiful plants! You mean you didn't even start the seeds till March, or that's when you planted out? What the hell did you feed those things?
Wow Josh, was this originally a hydro setup that you transplanted or what? Mine are so tiny. They barely have four leaves. How do I get a monster grow like that?
You guys dont get loaded plants like that? I sure do, Orange Habanero and Caribbean Red plants last year were very prolific.

I love the sight of a loaded plant, nice and healthy looking :)
FiveStar said:
D D D D D DDDAAAMMN Josh, beautiful plants! You mean you didn't even start the seeds till March, or that's when you planted out? What the hell did you feed those things?
Didn't start the seeds until the end of the 3rd week in March. Planted them out say May 20th.

imaguitargod said:
WOW....is that just one plant?!?!
Well the two pictures of the pods are but I assume you are refering to the shot of the raised bed. No there are four in there.

SnakeDoc said:
Wow Josh, was this originally a hydro setup that you transplanted or what? Mine are so tiny. They barely have four leaves. How do I get a monster grow like that?
No hydro. As I said above there are 4 plants in that bed so it looks like one big one. I was very happy with them though. Sorry no tricks. Last year I hit them with a bit of miracle gro tomato food a couple times throughout the season. This year I am trying some Fox Farm products and I have a bit of Espoma's Garden Tone so we will see how those work.

RichardK said:
You guys dont get loaded plants like that? I sure do, Orange Habanero and Caribbean Red plants last year were very prolific.

I love the sight of a loaded plant, nice and healthy looking :)

Thanks for all the compliments on the plants guys. They are from last year but it still is nice to hear.
Nice Josh. That last pic has to be the most dense pod population I have ever seen. I know you still have some of those in the freezer.
bigt said:
Nice Josh. That last pic has to be the most dense pod population I have ever seen. I know you still have some of those in the freezer.

Hahah I certainly do. I made alot of powder and gave away a bunch, but I still have about a gallon zip lock left in the freezer. I plan on making some type of hot sauce but haven't got around to it.

These are my plants after the cinnamon and garlic anti-fungal treatment. Do you guys think I should transplant them to something bigger? They are in a standard 72-cell seedling tray right now..


