
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
I got my seeds from Judy today. I got what I ordered and a couple of freebies.
Usually there is a hand written note of some sort thanking you. Not this time.I'm not sure what is going on , but I hope she is alright.
I sent them an e mail, they said everything is fine and they just have to relocate. I didn't go further
other than that the usual, excellent service. My Bhut jolokia peach seeds arrived in a few days, as usual 25-30 seeds in any package, plus I had 2 freebies
I don't understand this lack of trust in Judy I'm hearing. I don't think she will release new seeds, but she will come back with the new season
just my opinion

Guitarman said:
I sent them an e mail, they said everything is fine and they just have to relocate. I didn't go further
     Sudden cause for relocation is probably a lot for her to be dealing with right now. Probably delaying a lot of her projects / different aspects of her business. I see this as her just maintaining and keeping the drama to herself, like a pro.
     A heads up would have been nice, though...
edit: Also, I've never gotten a hand-written note from Judy in all the years I've been ordering from her. ( :mope: ) So I wouldn't see that as cause for concern. 

someguy said:
I got my seeds from Judy today. I got what I ordered and a couple of freebies.
Usually there is a hand written note of some sort thanking you. Not this time.I'm not sure what is going on , but I hope she is alright.
Guitarman said:
I sent them an e mail, they said everything is fine and they just have to relocate. I didn't go further
other than that the usual, excellent service. My Bhut jolokia peach seeds arrived in a few days, as usual 25-30 seeds in any package, plus I had 2 freebies
I don't understand this lack of trust in Judy I'm hearing. I don't think she will release new seeds, but she will come back with the new season
just my opinion

I don't think there is a lack of trust at all. It just would have been nice if she would have let people know that there wouldn't be any new seeds this year. I have dealt with her for 3 years and look forward to see what she has to offer. She is a business and allot of people look forward to buying from  her. She has told me in emails that new seeds would be up in November and December. Well that didn't happen now did it?
I guess if anything.. I am just disappointed.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:

edit: Also, I've never gotten a hand-written note from Judy in all the years I've been ordering from her. ( :mope: ) So I wouldn't see that as cause for concern. 
Since I have gotten at the very least a thank you with every order I did think it was odd.
There is some definite weirdness in how they run that shop
To many people "SPEAKING" is the primary
Yes they are golden here on rep,but the CONTINUAL INCONSTANCY in reply,order shipping to direct location,order sorting
Far to much confusion in my personal dealings with them 
If I order,tell you where to ship it,ship it there please!?!
If said location "ALSO" orders could you kindly ship the shit to them as well ????
Hasent happend in FIVE consecutive transactions (5)
Yes indeed I do have proof!(actually THP messages,messages to PL etc)
Love the folks I do,but where do you just get fed up with literal bullshit as described?
I ordered a couple varieties from her a few days ago. They came extremely quick within like 2 days with a few freebies. I did notice that her inventory was a bit low. Hope all is well with her.
TNKS said:
There is some definite weirdness in how they run that shop
To many people "SPEAKING" is the primary
Yes they are golden here on rep,but the CONTINUAL INCONSTANCY in reply,order shipping to direct location,order sorting
Far to much confusion in my personal dealings with them 
If I order,tell you where to ship it,ship it there please!?!
If said location "ALSO" orders could you kindly ship the shit to them as well ????
Hasent happend in FIVE consecutive transactions (5)
Yes indeed I do have proof!(actually THP messages,messages to PL etc)
Love the folks I do,but where do you just get fed up with literal bullshit as described?
Easy there tex. I've never had inconsistencies in any orders, and they always ship quickly and correctly. Pretty much everyone corroborates that. People do mess up, people do get backed up. It's a small operation, gotta be patient.  
TNKS said:
There is some definite weirdness in how they run that shop
To many people "SPEAKING" is the primary
Yes they are golden here on rep,but the CONTINUAL INCONSTANCY in reply,order shipping to direct location,order sorting
Far to much confusion in my personal dealings with them 
If I order,tell you where to ship it,ship it there please!?!
If said location "ALSO" orders could you kindly ship the shit to them as well ????
Hasent happend in FIVE consecutive transactions (5)
Yes indeed I do have proof!(actually THP messages,messages to PL etc)
Love the folks I do,but where do you just get fed up with literal bullshit as described?
I've ordered from Pepperlover, and was delighted with the result... you're not very credible... or, for that matter, coherent. I don't understand your reasons for flaming Judy at all.
Pretty simple shit actually
I order for me
I order for others and need said product shipped to them(I paid for it)
They send me anothers order TWICE and my order to them T W I C E !(one person involved in two shipments)
With prior advisement after the first malfunction and yet they did it ANYWAY!!!
"Judy" very clearly isnt the only one handling orders(or whomever)

These are HUGE ORDERS,not some dime bag $50 deal mind you(Likely the chirpers spent a whole $20)
To many people in the final process have very well proven what I posted,yes those involved are also signed in here at THP(to see the ads when they post products)
I have Judy's replies to all three incidents would you like me to pull her pantys down on the boards for all to see her own words ?

Good for you,ever drop a 3 digit order on PL ?
Nuff said,please drive thru
beanalicious1 said:
Easy there tex. I've never had inconsistencies in any orders, and they always ship quickly and correctly. Pretty much everyone corroborates that. People do mess up, people do get backed up. It's a small operation, gotta be patient.  
You buy a three digit order and send out acouple two digit orders
You get the two digit orders and the other receive the three digit orders
NAAAAW not a gaawd damn problem with it at all,then it happens the second time and the lemmings flock to PL defense because their dime bag deal went smooth.
They got their freaking SEEEEEDS!!!!
Mean while . . . . . . . pods are wilting in places they SHOULD have never been sent

Likely because your assumptive and instead of THINKING made an assumptive questioning post
Good on you follow the thread and then chime in again when you see where this paying customer is at fault
Clue: Duh will be your short coming further on here in this discussion
Chilima said:
If you dont like the service why do 5 transactions? that also makes zero sense.
Just stop using the vendor if you are not satisfied duh.
TNKS said:
Pretty simple shit actually
I order for me
I order for others and need said product shipped to them(I paid for it)
They send me anothers order TWICE and my order to them T W I C E !(one person involved in two shipments)
With prior advisement after the first malfunction and yet they did it ANYWAY!!!
"Judy" very clearly isnt the only one handling orders(or whomever)
These are HUGE ORDERS,not some dime bag $50 deal mind you(Likely the chirpers spent a whole $20)
To many people in the final process have very well proven what I posted,yes those involved are also signed in here at THP(to see the ads when they post products)
I have Judy's replies to all three incidents would you like me to pull her pantys down on the boards for all to see her own words ?

Good for you,ever drop a 3 digit order on PL ?
Nuff said,please drive thru
TNKS said:
You buy a three digit order and send out acouple two digit orders
You get the two digit orders and the other receive the three digit orders
NAAAAW not a gaawd damn problem with it at all,then it happens the second time and the lemmings flock to PL defense because their dime bag deal went smooth.
They got their freaking SEEEEEDS!!!!
Mean while . . . . . . . pods are wilting in places they SHOULD have never been sent

Likely because your assumptive and instead of THINKING made an assumptive questioning post
Good on you follow the thread and then chime in again when you see where this paying customer is at fault
Clue: Duh will be your short coming further on here in this discussion
TNKS said:
Just checked prior PayPal Invoice history
39 orders for pods alone
Thank You,Please drive thru . . . . . .
TNKS said:
     I've made four orders with PL over the years. Every one was correct and came sooner than I expected. No crushed seeds. Lots of useful freebies that ended up being some of my favorites. My only negative is that one of my plants that I grew from her seeds didn't grow true. But now it's one of my favorite varieties that I would like to stabilize. All in all a wonderful, better than expected experience. 
     Thank you. Please drive thru... (Whatever the fuck that means...)
TNKS said:
You buy a three digit order and send out acouple two digit orders
You get the two digit orders and the other receive the three digit orders
NAAAAW not a gaawd damn problem with it at all,then it happens the second time and the lemmings flock to PL defense because their dime bag deal went smooth.
They got their freaking SEEEEEDS!!!!

I have limited experience with the company, so far all of it good, but I do respect that you had issues with your orders and that you were not happy( as can be expected when any order is messed up)
My understanding of how this company has preformed in the past would be that they treat any order ( yes even the "dime bag deal" ) the same, as any good company should.
You have made it clear that you are not happy with the company, and that you are wanting others to be aware of that when they order. Point made.  You had a bad group of experiences with the company, others have not. 
If you do not like the company, do not use it.
Mistakes are made no matter the cost of the order. Shit happens. It can happen to someones 2 dollar order or to someones 200 dollar order. If anything more seeds = More chance of mix-ups. Just something you'll have to sort out with Judy. Thank you for your input into the vendor even though you had a bad experience, thats what the vendor vault is for, but why be rude and disrespectful to your fellow THP because they suggested to stop ordering? 