
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
She was very prompt on my inquiry on the 7 pot burgundy and shipped even faster. I ordered 15 seeds of 7 pot burgundy and got TONS of freebies in return of which I am ecstatic over these RED 7 pot douglah seeds I also received. Judy you're amazing and I might be in love, just saying. Haha thanks!
Shipped pretty fast to Canada. Ordered Butch T, Chocolate Bhuts, and 7 pod.
It seemed like I ordered a bit too late since I didn't get as many freebies as everyone else, but hey still pretty good.
Excellent quality seeds. The butch Ts are just starting to sprout 6 days after planting.
I just ordered from Judy for the first time due to the high recommendations that I found throughout this site. I ordered late Wednesday night, and received my order today. I ordered Butch Ts and received Amish Bush, Red Habanero and Orange Habanero as gifts. Very generous.


This is what I ordered


These are what I got as bonus!
Just ordered a few different things from Judy and the package arrived within a couple days. Included in the package was my complete order with quite a few freebies. Prices were excellent especially considering you get at least 20 seeds whereas most will only provide about ten. Given the excellent reputation on here and my own personal experience with, I wouldn't hesitate to order from Judy again and if she has what you are looking for you should order with confidence.
I will start out by saying I am COMPLETELY HAPPY with Judy's service. She is a stand-up, stand-out vendor who I WILL be doing business with again (and again, and again and again hopefully :) ).

That said, I had a MINOR issue in that the variety I ordered didn't show up in the envelope. Several bonus packets did however, seeds that I didn't have and was thrilled to receive. I sent her an email and got the reply that she was sending out the correct seeds ASAP. I had the proper seeds in my hands within a couple of days. Hey, mistakes happen, I understand that. Its what people do about them that matters, and Judy made everything right and as I mentioned, I had the seeds within 2 or 3 days.

Since the order, all the seeds have popped (except I think one, but thats normal).

Ken in FL.
First off, Judy rocks! and not just because she is a fellow Tennessean :party:

Every seed I got from her and I germd, are in 3 gallon buckets and growing fiine (besides some little POS bug that stops in for supper A LOT!!) I also like the fact that I didn't feel like I needed to retain 5 attorneys to do business with her :lol: :cool: :crazy:

It's pretty her products (which ARE what she says...not 'replicas' :D ) and if for some odd reason an order isn't to her customers satisfaction, there is not a room full of ambulance chasers spouting a bunch of abc,defgh,llc, cia garbage at's a 'I'm sorry, what can I do to make it better/right' etc. :clap: :cheers:

Love you Judy!!
Wife got me some last year as a present.
Wayyy late in the season, and a greenhorn newbie exotic pepper grower to boot.
Still---got about a 50% germination rate of which I killed 100% of them trying to overwinter.

Tried the leftover seed this year, and got 0 germination on everything but the tepins---75% on those.

3 in the ground and are by far the happiest peppers in the garden.

Will be picking up a bunch of seed from her in the fall now I know a bit more.
I am planning on buying some seeds from her for next year so I don't have anything to say yet about the seeds themselves. But I have asked Judy a few questions about her seeds over the course of a few emails. She gave me excellent answers and was always professional, both of which are huge selling points for me. Considering all of the good feedback here I am feeling very good about buying from this seller in a couple of months time.
I just received my first order from her today. I ordered CGN 22795, Chocolate Bhut, Trinidaian 7 Pod Brain, &Trinidad Scorpion FG. She sent those plus Wild Tepin, Amish Bush, Red Hab, Orange Hab, and Tabasco.(It's like she read my mind) Fast shipment, quick responses to emails, and bonus treats = Repeat business and word of mouth guaranteed.