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Peppermania Mystery seeds - What did you get?

Picking some Datils today from a 3 year old plant. YIPPEE! I have not had success with Datil 3 or 4 years.

Congratulations. ;) I also thought about growing Datil this season, but already had to many varieties. Maybe i will grow some next season.

Good luck for your other plants, too!
Two more pics from Mystery #1. Still looks like Aji Habanero to me.


Thanks hornilla, I thought maybe trinidad perfume also, but this one is more squash like.
Eephus that's a cool looking pepper. Kinda brainy looking.
6 months to go, to start 2013. I am thinking 2013 will be the year of the mystery pepper for me. 2010 was fatalii year, 2011 was pepperlover and caribbean plants, 2012 is peppermania south american plants(with yellow scotch bonnets thrown into the mix).

once some of my overwinter plants die off, i will have room for the "mystery series".

(the mystery manzano can be seen in me glog video and is quite healthy)
My mystery plant #2 was infected by spider mites. They infected four more plants. At least, to get rid of them, i cut all the leaves off the infected plants an put them outside, and kept them wetter than other plants. At the moment, the spider mites seem to be gone, the plants start to build new leaves and a lot of pods are getting ripe now (well, the annuum), mystery #2 as well. But the pods on my mystery plant #2 (and on my Dutch Red), seem to have some other problems (see the pods on the picture below). I'm not sure what is the reason. Maybe the plant wants to get rid of the pods and concentrate on building new leaves, maybe it is because the plants get too much water. Maybe something, that has to do with the spider mites or just something else.


Mystery #2. Here you can see, what i mentioned above.
The Dutch Red did not come back. But i picked all pods off it today and nearly all of them were more or less ripe.
And i tried the first pod of mystery #2. It tasted a lot like just an ordinary mild pepper. There was no heat at all. This its what it looked like. Does this sound like Fresno?


I'm pretty certain this is Aji Habanero. Tastes great, less filling!


It had a lot of yellow foliage when it was young. That's disappeared now it's loaded with pods.
Another Aji type pepper from the Mystery collection - Inca Red Drop


Extra crisp and tasty, nice heat too.

A couple of the mystery seeds were not baccatums, this one sure looks like a Tabasco:

My last mystery plant. The name and ID varies but I'm calling it Beni Market, a.k.a. PI 543205, a.k.a. Cherio Recife, a.k.a Plastic Nipples, etc.

It's a very attractive, jungle green shrub loaded with cherry-size pods that have a wonderful fruity aroma and flavor. Heat level is in the 50-75,000 SHU range I guess.

Thank you, Beth!


2012 grow was from beth I had lost inca, goats weed, hawaian sweet hot,alma paprika, tobasco, from the mystery seeds i got a roccoto chile mansano) a few baccatums a poblano a bunch of annums i planted all of em lol