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pests pest....

Photobucket is being strange for me right now, hopefully this is the right picture....

If it is, any idea what these "spots" are? They're extremely flat, I never notice them moving.... not easily brushed off, but easily scraped off.... didn't think to grab a picture of the underside of one I scraped off before, it seems like they have legs.... given the small size of them and my phone's camera, I don't think I could get a clear enough picture of the underside anyways....
Not sure what those are but they look like ticks or some sort of a mite. Someone should chime in soon, in the mean time, I'd scrape them all off. No bugs are better than a potential threat.
I would say some kind of "scale" insect.  Commonly heard of as a pest to citrus plants, orange groves have to fight them all the time.

What follows is a post from Insektenfang:​

Scale Insect attached to a Sarracenia leaf.

Easily overlooked, Scale are sap-sucking insects similar to aphids, except that they come with armour plating! Adults are sedentary but nymphs are mobile and left unchecked, scale may quickly spread throughout an entire collection of plants. There are over twenty-five pest species in the UK alone. Scales vary in size from 1-10mm and heavy infestations may retard growth. Outbreaks of sooty mould may be indicative of Scale Insect as some species excrete honeydew on which the mould likes to grow.

Treat with a systemic insectide containing imidacloprid or thiacloprid such as Provado.​

Maybe.... think I'm gonna try to get one off and grab a pic later today....

Or try to isolate a few and see what they grow up as.... they don't seem to be harming anything yet, just been noticing more and more of them lately....
rhm3769 said:
Maybe.... think I'm gonna try to get one off and grab a pic later today....

Or try to isolate a few and see what they grow up as.... they don't seem to be harming anything yet, just been noticing more and more of them lately....
If they are scale, then that is the adult stage, already.  Interesting fact about scale insects,  The lac bug's (a species of scale insect) waxy secretions are collected and dissolved in ethyl alcohol and sold as shellac.
soft scale.
I recently found a cayenne plant with the stems covered in juvenile scale, small, white and look like tiny whitefly until they get to adult "attached stage"
There are four main types of scale insects. 
chsy83 said:
If they are scale, then that is the adult stage, already.  Interesting fact about scale insects,  The lac bug's (a species of scale insect) waxy secretions are collected and dissolved in ethyl alcohol and sold as shellac.
Also, cochineal bugs (carmine color is derived from these) are scale bugs as well.  Scale bugs are of the "True Bug" Order of insects, Hemiptera.  Included in Hemiptera are stinkbugs, Assassin bugs, Aphids, etc.