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Phorid Flies (Fire Ant Killing Flies)

Well this morning I go to check on my plants and notice a nice sized fire ant mound near them in which I have no problem with them being there (maybe they will keep some pest away) anyways, I remembered I had a small amount of stale pistachios in my truck and decided to dump them on top the mound just to stir the ants up in the process, nice little wake up call..
As I was crouched on the ground watching the ants scurry attacking the pistachios like they were space invaders trying to abduct their young I noticed something odd. I seen these tiny flies attacking the ants, it looked as though they were stinging the ants like a swarm of micro bees. Everytime one of the flies would attack an ant the ant would roll over as if it were dead or injured. Then the flies move to the next ant and so on.. I've never seen anything like that. I googled "tiny flies attacking ants" then came up with Phorid Flies. Pretty interesting stuff. Anyone else ever seen them or know more about them? I'm sure I'm not the only fool who plays with ant mounds :crazy: I mean after all I'm on a hot pepper forum where everyone here likes the stinging burning pain of a Ridiculously hot pepper. :mouthonfire:

Just found this- Pretty cool
I know phorid flies and I personally hate the bastages. They show up when I don't do a good job cleaning up dead crickets. They lay their eggs on moist dead meat and can multiply quickly. Never seen them hassle ants though, sounds like it was quite entertaining for a bit.