• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

PIC, who do I seem to be having a hard time finding the exact bag of soil you are using online?? (Fafard's Pro Mix) It looks like a great soil from your pics. (mixed with Fox's HPFG) any info would be great. What do you germ in? (I will try and surf back through this grog but if you just might answer before I can find it as I stop at every picture to drool)
PIC, who do I seem to be having a hard time finding the exact bag of soil you are using online?? (Fafard's Pro Mix) It looks like a great soil from your pics. (mixed with Fox's HPFG) any info would be great. What do you germ in? (I will try and surf back through this grog but if you just might answer before I can find it as I stop at every picture to drool)

I found it searching Fafard Pro Potting mix on google under shopping tab...they changed the packaging it looks different. I'll try to post a link.


Here is the 2 cf bag...
PIC, who do I seem to be having a hard time finding the exact bag of soil you are using online?? (Fafard's Pro Mix) It looks like a great soil from your pics. (mixed with Fox's HPFG) any info would be great. What do you germ in? (I will try and surf back through this grog but if you just might answer before I can find it as I stop at every picture to drool)

You probably won't find the exact "Fafards" mix. The one I use is made per specs for a local nursery in Oak Lawn Il for there plants. Try "Homeharvest" online I believe they carry the Fafards Metro Mix...which is probably similar. Also "Brew and Grow" has locations in Chicago and subards...they have a diverse selection and you wouldn't have to spend on the shipping, just some gas money.
As far as starting I look for a fine screened mix such as Hoffman's, Jiffy, or Schultz's. What ever is available at the time. You can use pretty much anything as long as the mix is not "heavy weight"......which stays too wet and doesn't breath well without perlite or vermiculite.


I found it searching Fafard Pro Potting mix on google under shopping tab...they changed the packaging it looks different. I'll try to post a link.


Here is the 2 cf bag...

Thanks for the info.......the bags I use are 2.8 cu ft.....they have many different combinations for different aplications.....I've used it for 3 seasons now...and happy with it.

Oak Lawn is around an hour from me. Is it worth the drive for the mix you get PIC?

The business is called Saunoris Garden Center..Worth Il....It's not cheap, you may want to call to see if they'll sell to you....that's the mix they use for their plants
I,m not sure how much you need, so I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction. Check around locally for similar products.

Thanks PIC. Are they a cemmercial outfit or do you just know them personally? (As to why they wouldnt sell to me) I'll have no where near as much as you. I'm planning on having around 55 plants potted up. Transfering outside to the ground in the spring. Ill look around locally, I like word of mouth makes the cost of experimentation cheaper.
Thanks PIC. Are they a cemmercial outfit or do you just know them personally? (As to why they wouldnt sell to me) I'll have no where near as much as you. I'm planning on having around 55 plants potted up. Transfering outside to the ground in the spring. Ill look around locally, I like word of mouth makes the cost of experimentation cheaper.

Not commerical, but that's back room stuff ,,,they don't advertise it, I just happened to talk my way into it
It's not a miracle product, but it works for me with all the sporadic transplanting that I'm dealing with as of late.......I'll probably go through 20 bags easily plus other products before my plants get to say "Hello" to the sun...

.............................."Blast from the Past"............................

I was sorting through some old photos today and I found these.....................Vintage 1986

Here's my first home with my first "real garden".......Peppers, Tomatoes, Beans, Squash and some Corn.


Some sweet peppers........I can see a Purple one hanging in there!


And finally my helper, my eldest son Ryan, He's probably 3 yrs old there. He'll be 29 this summer, He's checking out the "Big Bertha's"...Those plants grew on to over 5ft that year.......must have been the worm compost!

......thanks for checking this out.

Current updates tomorrow...

Great pic, love the retro ones. Do you remember any of the peppers you grew back then? Hottest was a Jalapeno or maybe a Serrano? Nothing like what we have today eh?
Great pic, love the retro ones. Do you remember any of the peppers you grew back then? Hottest was a Jalapeno or maybe a Serrano? Nothing like what we have today eh?

Hey Patrick,

You hit it....The hottest that I had growing were some mini Schezwan and Thai, Serrano, Orange Hab, Jalapeno M, Kung Pao and Cayenne.......I mostly grew a variety of sweet Bells, Bananas, and Waxes


Here's a weekend update...


Here's a shot of the downstairs grow


From L to R....................Morouga Yellow, CGN 21500, Barrackpore 7/Pod


Bahamian Goat, 7 Pot Primo, Red Hablokia


Cappuccino Kapowie, Brain Strain , Big Sun


Purple Jolokia


XL Caribbean Red, Coronong, Surinam Habanero


Bhut Jolokia Yellow, St Lucia Islands, Yellow Burkina


Pequin Chiapanas


Douglah, Orange Scotch, Bonnet, Bhut Jolokia Red (CPI)


Cardi Red, Wild Tepin, Infinity

til next week,

Yeah loving those vintage shots . . Reminds me of all the good times in my parents garden/orchard and farm as a kid (for my first 18yrs) it is amazing to think that things were so much simpler even such a short time ago. Only a handful of chilli varieties to choose from and no need to spend hours thinking of all the types you should get next. Doesn't stop me doing that now though :)

Great update looking good as always Greg. What size pots are they currently in??
Yeah loving those vintage shots . . Reminds me of all the good times in my parents garden/orchard and farm as a kid (for my first 18yrs) it is amazing to think that things were so much simpler even such a short time ago. Only a handful of chilli varieties to choose from and no need to spend hours thinking of all the types you should get next. Doesn't stop me doing that now though :)

Great update looking good as always Greg. What size pots are they currently in??

Hey thanks,

The pots are 5 1/4" by 6" depth.....next step is up to 1 1/2 gal trade containers...

Good God!!! That is a pretty amazing Grow you have downstairs. Is that a whole reflective room you have them in??

No, I wish it was....Those are 4 x 8 sheets of foil faced "Polyshield". That grow area is only 10 x 12 ft. It's part of my storage area in my sub- basement. I have another room that's 12 x 16ft that's dedicated to a grow room.

Holy smokes look at the tree trunks on those monsters! Outstanding work Greg.

Any chance of seeing a trunk like those on an SB7J? :halo:
Fooking bad-ass, Greg!

Interesting. I always thought that was considered being "root-bound" and was a bad thing. I have never understood why though... I usually let my plants get to that stage too and have never had any troubles after messing the roots up a bit and potting up.

The PdN seeds did not germinate well, my seed source was from here in the states. I can't contribute to bad seeds but what did sprout out of the soil "dampened" off fairly quick. I have one lonely seedling that I'm handling with "kid gloves".

So it's not just me then. I had a hell of a time getting just one PDN to grow. I finally have one growing strong now but the amount of seeds I had to sow to get there! Either they just wouldn't germinate or I lost them to "damping off" just like you.

Uh, I would probably get that seen too.....
Hold on...... I'm trying to find my lower jaw... oh wait!.... there it is!

Okay back to posting. Greg.. Really!? dude.. I'm really speechless.. the growth rate, the stems and branches? If I can grow half as well as you one of these days I'll be happy, hell, If I saw starts like yours at a nursery.. I'd buy a 100 of em on a credit card lol. They are beyond perfect. Great job my friend. I showed my boss(my dad) your glog and he said "dude.... does he live anywhere near this area? f*** the people weve been buying plants from, are you kidding me? were buying from this guy! those are f***ng beautiful!! can he ship?" lol. I wish we were neighbors..I'd spend hours a day making you talk to me about your growing ways lol.. btw, your T8 ways are starting to make me mad I bought HOT5s lol.. If I had the room to fan every square inch of the grow area I have I'd probably not be thinking that way but space is a serious issue for me unfortunately.. I'm jealous, When I buy our first house you can bet I'll be looking for an extra bedroom to transform into my growroom. Then I'll give you a bit of a run for your money if I'm lucky lol.

Oh btw, 1985 vintage pictures? No wonder your so good at growing.. you had a full blown garden before I was even born! :lol: Kidding! Those pictures are great.. it's also crazy to see the quality of pictures you can take these days compared to 25 years ago. Anyway, great update Greg. You actually reminded me with your "vintage" post that I have my old camera in a box in the garage with pictures of my first year growing 5 years ago when my wife and I first met.. I found it, looked at the pics and was amazed with how well things grew back when we actually had spring and summer weather.. It's so crazy, I think I'm gonna post update from the past.. Hope all is well with you and your family :)

All nice pics Greg! Damn...really nice.

Thanks, everythings moving up and up!


Holy smokes look at the tree trunks on those monsters! Outstanding work Greg.

Any chance of seeing a trunk like those on an SB7J? :halo:

I'll shoot some photos later in the week


Those are some strong looking beasts there Greg. Those freakin stems are like ginormous.

Thanks MG,

Thicker stems helps fight off the nasty winds we have here late in the spring. If the branching gets a bit leggy before the outdoors takes place, I'll prune them back a bit. That won't hurt them at all, since I have a good 5 months of growing ouside they'll just bush out more.


Hold on...... I'm trying to find my lower jaw... oh wait!.... there it is!

Okay back to posting. Greg.. Really!? dude.. I'm really speechless.. the growth rate, the stems and branches? If I can grow half as well as you one of these days I'll be happy, hell, If I saw starts like yours at a nursery.. I'd buy a 100 of em on a credit card lol. They are beyond perfect. Great job my friend. I showed my boss(my dad) your glog and he said "dude.... does he live anywhere near this area? f*** the people weve been buying plants from, are you kidding me? were buying from this guy! those are f***ng beautiful!! can he ship?" lol. I wish we were neighbors..I'd spend hours a day making you talk to me about your growing ways lol.. btw, your T8 ways are starting to make me mad I bought HOT5s lol.. If I had the room to fan every square inch of the grow area I have I'd probably not be thinking that way but space is a serious issue for me unfortunately.. I'm jealous, When I buy our first house you can bet I'll be looking for an extra bedroom to transform into my growroom. Then I'll give you a bit of a run for your money if I'm lucky lol.

Oh btw, 1985 vintage pictures? No wonder your so good at growing.. you had a full blown garden before I was even born! :lol: Kidding! Those pictures are great.. it's also crazy to see the quality of pictures you can take these days compared to 25 years ago. Anyway, great update Greg. You actually reminded me with your "vintage" post that I have my old camera in a box in the garage with pictures of my first year growing 5 years ago when my wife and I first met.. I found it, looked at the pics and was amazed with how well things grew back when we actually had spring and summer weather.. It's so crazy, I think I'm gonna post update from the past.. Hope all is well with you and your family :)


Hey Brandon,

TeeHeeHee........Don't forget, I started my seeds Dec 1st , a little earlier than you. Your plants are starting to zoom . Another week or so that's what yours will look like.
Shipping.........on pallets? Ha................I've bought perennials through the mail before. Usually just a small rootball with a stem, no soil...no weight.
Some of them have arrived in piss poor condition, and corked off . On the other hand I had some house plants shipped back from Hawaii. Fed-Ex 2 day and the way they packaged them you think they were shipping a China Vaise... They always arrive in excellent condition.
Now there's somebody on this site thats selling plants in the spring. How big can they be? Small plants only produce a late harvest....at least with the hots.

Your T5's are great intensitity lights. Use them to your best ability. Those "Blast from the Past" plants from the garden were started under T12's back then........that was all that was available, except for the HID'S.......and if you owned one you weren't growing peppers.

That's actually what I did with my sons room when he moved out. Its a large room that my wife wanted to turn into a guest bedroom?........what???

Hey post some of those old pictures.....that would be cool!, and I bet others will looking for some of theirs also.

thanks for checking this out

Fooking bad-ass, Greg!

Interesting. I always thought that was considered being "root-bound" and was a bad thing. I have never understood why though... I usually let my plants get to that stage too and have never had any troubles after messing the roots up a bit and potting up.

So it's not just me then. I had a hell of a time getting just one PDN to grow. I finally have one growing strong now but the amount of seeds I had to sow to get there! Either they just wouldn't germinate or I lost them to "damping off" just like you.

Uh, I would probably get that seen too.....

Thanks gasificada,

The rootball is almost to the point of getting "root-bound" but there's still quite a bit of soil in the middle. I just tease the roots before its repotted and all is well.

Yep those PDN's are tempermental......I'd say we used the same seed source but mine were purchased here in the states.

Hahaha......................... :eek: ....................no comment on your last remark!
