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pineapple orange cajamarca

Hey folks. I whipped up my first sauce today, which was based (thank you) largely on THIS RECIPE by texas blues. I used:

25 cajamarcas
4 carrots
small handful of chopped shallot*
large chopped garlic clove* (not the whole thing, just one large segment)
(*sauteed in olive oil)
2/3 cup lime juice
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup OJ
scant cup brown sugar--loose, not packed down
sea salt
white pepper


Sauteed the shallot and garlic for a bit. Added the sliced carrots and cooked til mostly done. Added everything else, chopped as needed.


Brought to a boil and then simmered for around 30 minutes. Scooped a bunch out and ran it through the blender. I couldn't fit it all in so I had to run through a few cycles of blending and then mixing back into the pot and then scooping out and blending again. I did this a few times, sometimes taking a break and letting it simmer a bit and sometimes just repeating immediately. I did this a few times til I thought it looked good. Poured it into jars and letting it cool a bit before storing in the refrigerator. I'm keeping one of the jars for myself, giving 2 of them away and sharing the other at work.

How's it taste? The sweet pineapple/lime/orange hits me up front. Yum! As I'm enjoying that fruity flavor I notice some heat slowly creeping in from the back until it completely takes over, leaving a nice lingering hot sensation that lasts for a short while. My initial impression is about medium heat, which should make it a nice versatile sauce that won't overwhelm other flavors with heat. I'm looking forward to tasting it tomorrow after the flavors have blended a bit more.

I don't know what I'm having for dinner tonite but I can guarantee it'll have caja sauce on it!

Sorry to say, bhut camp, but yeah, that's what I used. I forgot to buy fresh limes and I had that sitting around. For bottled lime juice I typically use Nellie & Joe's Famous Key West lime juice but I was almost out of that, too.

I'm in the Madison area.