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Planted outside...

I planted my superhots outside last weekend. It was a really hot and humid here last week so I had them shaded with my ghetto set up lol (lawn chairs) for most of the day...

I'm not sure about the watering schedule - how often should I water - I was watering them every day which I think its too much...I'm going to cut back to every other or every three days...

However there is some rain coming this week so that might throw a wrench into thing...

Here are the pics - the seeds were sowed April 1st...

Any hints or tips are appreciated...










You dont really need to water until the leaves are wilting because the plant is so dry. Plants grow faster in the dry period thus aeroponics.
They don't look over watered to me. I would suggest just letting the soil get pretty dry and only watering when they look like they need it. Less is more in the pepper plant watering game.

Drainage – Drainage – Drainage
If it's a sunny rain free hot day I give them a drink. The plant will take what it needs and the rest will drain away. The roots don't like to sit in water, but do enjoy a nice drink at the end of the day.
Thanks for the replies everyone.

This is my first time growing anything so its all new to me...

I will get epson salts and use that as folar spray every two weeks - I'm not sure about the fertilizer because the soil they are planted as manure mixed in...
I wouldnt water them until they start to slightly wilt like Capsicum said. Your plants look so green and healthy your off to a great start. :dance: