• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Plantguy76 2022

[ Over Winter 2021]

3 - serrano's

Are supposed to be five for sure Trippaul Threat Peach F3
But there are 3 I know for sure are Trippaul peach two tall ones & a short one in the kitchen all three of those have this tree thing going on then there these two that are different.
I know that once there outside they will start to turn purple as they was for the short time they was out
So it will sort itself out.

1 Jamaican Red Hab

2 Peach Hababon F2 or possibly back to F1 crossed with unknown cap annuum

Total pepper plants 11

[2022 Peppers]

[capsicum chinense]
Papper Lantern OP - CraftyFox
Jamaican Red Hab A++ 2019 - Paul G
[Capsicum Annuum]
Possibly Jamaican Mushroom specially selected for UFO pheno type form 2017
Ive been soaking them for awhile seeds have not sunk take that for a bad sign but I believe some few did sank to the bottom will scoop out the floaters & sow the ones that sank.
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Hey, @Plantguy76, glad to see those Trippaul
Threat v2 F3 Peach underway! I hope you get
a nice bunch of pods from them. Same for the
JA Reb Habanero 2019.
Hey, @Plantguy76, glad to see those Trippaul
Threat v2 F3 Peach underway! I hope you get
a nice bunch of pods from them. Same for the
JA Reb Habanero 2019.
Thanks Paul I will do my best thinking on keeping the tree habitat ones together form the other two that are different might be different results with the tree batch & the slim leaf habitat also who knows maybe those two are different all together form some other variety that slip in with the trippapauls
I also sowed some Christmas eve Jamaican Mushrooms but I be surprised if they sprouted as it's old seed.
Next sowing will be your Jamaican red 2019 A++ then a bit later Jamaican lantern
Possibly sugar rush peach want to keep things under control got other things I want to plant & limited space
Over at moms I plan to sow naked William pumpkins
How did your variegated jalapenos do last season?

Ok I saw Jigsaw in Bakers Creek then in pepperjoe's.
I read some reviews about it in Bakers Creek .
Those that grew it have said it's a beautiful plant has good flavor with some smokiness heat level is form Jalapeno & in some cases habanero
That is a far cry form the origin & description of pepperjoe.
I thought at first maybe it is the same name but different pepper but no the plant description matches .
So it's looks like a fake origin .
Those wanting a superhot will be disappointed .
That said it is still a cool plant & ornamental with good flavor & heat .
I am interested in this pepper & will probably order some seeds with bakers creek .
I am also wondering if this plant could have crossed with a jalapeno & that started those variegated jalapenos .
If so that be cool ether way it may be cool to cross them with some other pepper
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The pepper to me in the pepperjoe's picture does look like a superhot but the plant description matches the one in bakers creek
I just wonder is this like some of those old stories that I heard of people buying seeds that turned out jalapeno or is this some kind of mixed up.
So far the Jamaican Mushroom 🍄 🌶️ s have not sprouted it was old seed so might take a bit if it even sprout.
I have put them by the oil heater maybe that will help.
I will start sowing seed again the first of February.
I think there is some confusion among seed vendors between the ornamental annuum, ‘Jigsaw’, with its purple and white variegation, and the more recent superhot chinense, ‘Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw’. Fatalii Gourmet is the company of the guy who bred it, so some people shorten the pepper’s name to ‘Jigsaw’, causing the clash.
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Sowed seeds I think if I remember right on 2/21/22
I have about 20 paper lantern habs ,two purple tinted Jamaican Red habs & one schneider farms scotch bonnet (old seeds)
I will need to check on them later as others was coming up yesterday had to cull some cause of helmethead but that so far is on the low side.
I also made a order for the first week of may with cross country nursery for 2 brown date habaneros
& some tomatoes .

very hot; Habanero Elongated; 1.25 to 3 inches long by 0.75 to 1.25 inches wide; thick flesh; matures from green to brown; pendant pods; 30 to 36 inches tall; Very Late Season (90+ days); true shape, color, even taste of actual dates, strong sweet flavor; C.chinense.
They remind me of ‘Brown Eggs‘ from Georgia Growhead
in the mid twenty-teens, a not-too-hot chinense with a
similar shape, maybe not as long.
Paper Lanterns are one of my favorites! I'm not familiar with the Brown Date Hab, but it looks and sounds pretty good. Might give it a try next season. Hope you have a great season @Plantguy76! I'll be following along.
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Well it's been awhile I am behind on glogs & updating
The long & short of it my yard got flooded by a underground pipe on the other street
They finally got it fixed but I had to wait for things to dry out then it rained
I've had my plants out on a table so they should be harden off .
Those in the tray are behind one of the A++ Jamaican Habanero has some purple tint


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