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Planting hot peppers close together and with non-hot peppers?

So I have some extra pepper plants that are not going to go into containers and into my raised beds. I thought I read somewhere (maybe even here) that it wasn't a good idea to plant different peppers to close to each other. Going into the ground are a Bhut Jolokia, Trinidad Scorpion, and 3 different bell pepper plants. I am going to try to find the source to post, but I know you guys are pretty quick in case I couldn't find it again.

Edit: I just read my title for the thread and it sounds misleading. I meant to say that they would be in the same row with 2ft between plants. They won't be right on top of each other....
you might get some cross breeding, but that will only show in subsequent offspring ie when you grow from the seeds produced. You can however isolate certain flowers for polination by you, giving you true seed. hope this helps
There is no reason that they can not be planted together. You may have a slight chance of there being cross pollination but it will not effect the fruit that sets this grow season. If you were going to plant the seeds from the fruit that you got this year then you may have a slim chance of getting some cross peppers the next year. Some one else on here had a good annalogy for this. If you have a Labrador female dog and a male Shepard the puppies will be a mix breed but your two parent dogs will not change from mating together.
I know a lot of people keep pods from deep inside the plant in the hope they weren't crossed. But come on ...... who knows for sure? If you are lucky enough to have bees that are helping with the pollination then I'd say the chance a for cross is larger than slim.

The peppers you grow this year will not be effected by a cross and will be and taste like what they are supposed to be. If you like the peppers you grow this year ..... buy more seeds for next year. Be safe ... who wants to end up after growing plants out or dawgs out ... to find they are less than what you wanted?

P. Dreadie