Plants being eaten!!!!

What should I do to stop bugs and animals from eating my plants leaves? They already got to a few of my leaves on one of the plants and i want my plants to live lol
First check the plant for any visible bugs. Caterpillars can hide pretty well. If it's animals it's a pretty easy fix with some human hair in a nylon sock, some urine around everything.......predator urine. The key is figuring out what the pest is and let us know.
If its bugs, there are several different sprays that work really well. I use Spectracide. Works really well for me.
So far I've lost Black Naga, Bhut Jolokia chocotate, Trinidad Pear and Raja Mirch to these little bastards!!

Why couldn't they just go for a simple average Habanero instead?? I sometimes wonder if these slugs have a kind of "Michelin-guide" to what is new, exotic and interesting on the pepper-front...

Fortunately I have more plants of all of these peppers, and I'm ready - fully armed - so if they want war, they're gonna get it!!!

