Plants on the plane

My daughter is coming for a visit from Maryland with her fiancée! She wants to take back a few of my extras. Has anyone taken a plane trip with plants/seedlings? If so, how would you pack them? I can't see them being with the regular baggage- carry on, for my little babies.
Check in with Shane (stc 3248)... He sent some of his plants through the mail with no to minimal damage using only duct tape and cardboard.
They might not let plants be taken to other states without a certificate of inspection.

Ca. won't let anything,plant,fruit or vegtable wise in the state without proper paperwork.

I'd mail them...which is still technically a no no without a certificate of inspection for pests and diseases.


Getting a phyto certificate is kind of a joke though.They are free and anyone can get one.
No real inspections are actually done in general.

You just need the paperwork on the outside of the box of plants so the ag inspectors can see it...a lot of times they don't check out the plants.With homeland security these days they might x ray it to see if you have exploding plants or something.
The easiest solution is giving her seeds or a cutting and teaching her how to germ/propagate from a cutting. After that, mailing would definitely work... just make sure it's legal between your state borders!