container Plants per container

So I know Gotrox has grown two plants in a single container before (5 gal I believe?)
Has anyone else done this before? Care to share your experience? 
Reason I ask is that I need to pot up my office plants. I am not looking to grow monstrous plants, office grow is just for kicks. I found some Walmart bags and it appears they hold at least 6 gallons worth of soil each. I have four plants so I am thinking to plant two per bag. I get the feeling watering might be an issue (ie: need to water more frequently) what do you think?
A bit different situation because I am speaking about plants growing in the garden, but in my country, or at least in my area, people use to put 2 peppers together, and this since they are little plants, 2 peppers in the same plastic cup. Their roots will grow mixed. The most reason for this is, to increase the strenght of plants. Mixed roots will offer a stronger stability. They will also support each other.
About watering, not so sure. I think the plant is not using 100% the water, some is evaporating too, the soil from your pot will get dry even if you have no plant inside, right?
Actually that is an interesting concept! And yes you are right the soil will dry out anyway, though it would dry out faster in a container with two or more plants I think. For simplicity sake and to go easy on my wallet, I think I will stick with two plants to a container anyway. Hopefully some others can chime in with their experience.
Ive heard in general putting two plants in a pot together will still put out the same amount of peppers as one plant in the same space. The bags seem big enough to let them develop a really healthy root system though and the space restriction was one of the negatives with putting two plant in say a 5 gal round pot. Let us know how it goes :D
You can put the 2 plants together (like both in the middle), or put them in opposite sides, maybe this will allow them to develop a bit independent one from another (since you are growing inside, I suppose, you will not benefit for the advantages I described above).
(And speaking about concepts, in my area people use to grow peppers, tomato, etc, in rows, with a ditch between rows - the plants are a bit raised comparing with the ditch between rows, and you water the plants puting the water in that ditch. I saw in the opposite side of country people using to put the plants in those ditches, and a bit raised margins along the rows (and along the ditches) to keep the water inside. Not sure which is better....).
Due to space constraints i've tried it many times.
It works ok with large containers (i've multiple plants in 20gal containers as we speak) or smaller containers with short season plants (e.g. annuums).
Also growing together totally different varieties is tricky because at some point the biggest plant will totally shade the smallest.
If you have enough space, one plant per pot is the way to go. A big healthy pepper tree will reward you more than multiple plants barely alive.
   I'm with Datil,last year I had almost all 5 gallon or so containers.They got crowded in a hurry.Dried out quick enough with just 1 per pot.Trust me they will enjoy the room.At the end of the year when I dumped the pots with one it was nothing but rootball.No way 2 in one would have produced like the singles did.Fil you will kick yourself in a month if ya go with 2.
I am putting 1-3 plants in a few 25 gal pouches, and 6 in a low 50 gal pouch. Will see how they do and let you know. Soil needs to cook a bit longer in the 25's but the plants are ready for their new homes asap.
2 per 1 gallon pot last year, trying 3 this year. (and some in even smaller planters)
To keep them producing when rootbound, ferts are necessary.
And agressive trimming along with lots of water.
Mine would only make 2 or 3 days before wilting, and I let them wilt before adding nutes or water.
Nutes every 2nd or 3rd watering, depending on how they were growing.
Went in the ground last week, after 1 or 2 years in pots, and no shock at all---except some flower drop.
Trying a few double occupancy in the 6~7(?) gallon Walmart bags with the smaller / slower growing / less favored varieties I have at hand. Since I do gently fertilize regularly, this hopefully won't limit the plants too badly.  With limited space and WAY TOO FREAKING MANY PEPPERS :doh:, something has to give. 
One of the theories behind putting two plants in the same pot is because the leaf canopy is denser, production should actually be higher, especially in hotter weather. I haven't tested this out in the past, myself, but am this year. I picked up "a" jalapeno plant at the hardware store - it was actually 3 plants together in a peat pot. I moved one to a pot by itself, but the other two put into a pot together (I remove the peat pot in the process.) We'll see what happens!
Geonerd said:
Trying a few double occupancy in the 6~7(?) gallon Walmart bags with the smaller / slower growing / less favored varieties I have at hand. Since I do gently fertilize regularly, this hopefully won't limit the plants too badly.  With limited space and WAY TOO FREAKING MANY PEPPERS :doh:, something has to give.
knockdown part of the house then you will have more yard for peppers ;)
chile_freak said:
knockdown part of the house then you will have more yard for peppers ;)
Well I ended up with two plants per bag! Let's see how well they do.
I have 6 peppers teamed up. 3 x 2 in 5 gallon buckets. Jalapeños, Serrano, Thai, Yellow Cayenne, Fresno. Don't recall the 6th. 
I had already planted a bunch of superhots and orange habs in solo 5 gallon buckets and was getting low in soil/pots so I just said eft.
We'll see how it goes later in the summer….
I will say the Fresno doesn't seem to mind!
Spicy Mushroom said:
I have 6 peppers teamed up. 3 x 2 in 5 gallon buckets. Jalapeños, Serrano, Thai, Yellow Cayenne, Fresno. Don't recall the 6th. 
I had already planted a bunch of superhots and orange habs in solo 5 gallon buckets and was getting low in soil/pots so I just said eft.
We'll see how it goes later in the summer….
I will say the Fresno doesn't seem to mind!
Yep that's pretty much why I decided to go 2 per bag. Spent enough money on my plants at home already. Do you have any pics of your plants right now?
Thanks Randy, I think they'll be okay. The lady that owns the cleaning shop next door even offered to water them for me while I'm gone on vacation. Lol
      Ran across this pic from last year,I put a bamboo stake in the middle and garden string wrapped around both held them up pretty good my only problem was watering a lot and winds pushing them over when they got top-heavy and dry.
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