Please vote for Lucky Dog Hot Sauce

Hawaiianero said:
It's moving now :woohoo: :party: :dance: :fireball: :woohoo:
Seriously?!? Woohoo!!! That's awesome! 
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
       Just voted, btw.  :rolleyes:
I sincerely thank you for your vote. :cheers: 
Thank you everyone! Keep voting! Would be awesome to be the #1 on the list when they publish it in early January! 
Scoville DeVille said:
I was picturing more something like some grandma who just started up a new business knitting Kozees, and another new small business of some dude making popsicle stick christmas decorations.
And you.
Killing it.
If I get to say I'm the #1 home-based business of 2014 it'll be great! "Get out of the way, Granny! Lucky Dog's coming to town!!" :::shoves adorable old woman out of the way, bag of knitting needles spills everywhere:::