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Please Vote for Peppers by Mail

Their link does not work right.  Their search feature does not work from a mobile or tablet.  So here is what you have to do until they fix their system to vote for Peppers by Mail.  Visit this link, if it is still not working you will get a search form and it will say we don't exist.  Use the search form to find Peppers by Mail and then please, please, please vote for us.

If you don't know our story or why I think I deserve this award, please visit the following link.  The award talks about how it wants to reward crazy people for taking large risks to build their business.  Problem is, they talk about financial risks rather than what I risked.  I want to at least get to the finals so I can go to their fancy conference wearing work cloths.  I want to show them what a working man can accomplish.

If I win, will pack anyone's hot sauce with me and hand it out at the fancy dinner, put it on everyone's table.  Tell them I dare you.  This could be fun.
You are kind to a fault sir, if you win and go to that fancy dinner, it is all about YOU!
Voted! How long does the vote go? I wanna make sure to click it every day.
salsalady said:
Voted! How long does the vote go? I wanna make sure to click it every day.
     Just keep clicking until they have enough votes to amputate Aj's balls. Or something. I dunno, I didn't read things all that carefully. 