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Post Your Favorite Coronavirus Antiseptic

So, I'm not the boss of you, or anything...  Just, if you want to.
I find that this one works pretty well.  Also helps keep chronic masturbation at bay.
wine tap.jpg

And! according to actual real life occurrences....this really did happen!!!!
aaww... those missed opportunities,  I should of been in Italy.....
Red Wine From The Tap!!!
OK Maybe NOT.........as Italy is today...
SHEESH! just wash the hands with dish soap......or as Alton Brown advocates....regular old fashioned bar soap. 
But I do have some off-tasting hooch that could be made into hand sanitizer.....
Or maybe I'll sell the half-full bottle of rubbing achy-hawl...... 
solid7 said:
So, I'm not the boss of you, or anything...  Just, if you want to.
I find that this one works pretty well.  Also helps keep chronic masturbation at bay.
My boss really likes the 12 year doublewood. I personally can't develop a taste for scotch. 
D3monic said:
My boss really likes the 12 year doublewood. I personally can't develop a taste for scotch. 
I like the 17 year Doublewood, but there's something in it that gives me a smashing headache, every time.  And that's sipping scotch, so there's no excuse for that...
This (brand) was the first Scotch I ever drank.  And I actually drank it in Scotland. So we have a bond.
Also, if you felt inclined to develop a taste for scotch, you want to start with a highland style - less smoky and peaty than the more "manly" scotches. (I don't really like those, either)
Here's the antiseptic we're buying in bulk "handles".


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Now that we're a couple weeks (for some of us) into this whole isolation routine, is anyone finding that their antiseptic isn't working as well?  Has anyone had to switch to a more powerful, or regionally sourced antiseptic?  