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harvesting Potawie's early Aug harvest pic

How Many types and how many did you plant. I thought I had a lot at 89 plants.........I have No Where Near that many peppers
slyone1000 said:
How Many types and how many did you plant. I thought I had a lot at 89 plants.........I have No Where Near that many peppers

I haven't really counted things this year but I think I have around 55-60 varieties and I'm probably down to around 150 pepper plants. Next season I'm hoping to only grow 25 varieties max. and not so many super hotties
Fantastic Harvest Potawie..iam sure weather hasn't helped you..certainly hasn't here buddy..but fantastic spread..great pics again :)
talas said:
Fantastic Harvest Potawie..iam sure weather hasn't helped you..certainly hasn't here buddy..but fantastic spread..great pics again :)
Today is the first rain free day that I can remember all summer:(

talas said:
Potawie you keeping any seeds for trade this year..cough oops cough..

Its going to be another busy fall:cool: I'm going to try isolating some plants soon, but I can only do so many and I've got quite a few hybrids I'm working on that are high priority.
Hybrids yep have an old gardening friend who runs an allotment near to wear i live helping me out with my first hybrids,hid advice has been second to none and fatalli`s to :)
Well its not really early Aug anymore but I don't feel like starting a new thread so here's a pic of this weekend's harvest

The toms aren't doing the best this year with the wet weather and I'm still way behind last year's amazing harvest but I guess I can't complain.
It's sure an impressive harvest nonetheless! That's a lot of pods!

For me, this has been tomato year! I've got well over a hundred pounds of ripe tomatoes on plants still. I'm trying to figure out what to do with them!

That is a great collection you have going Potawie.

I'm very jealous and i can't wait for my sesoan to start.

Soon, very soon.........:hell:

It was pictures like this, that you post that gave me the inspiration to give it a shot. I thank you for both the pictures and inspiration great harvest.
wow... so far this year I have picked 4 cherry bombs and one red jalapeno.

I have fourteen pepper plants. I also have 26 tomato plants... so far I have a dozen grape tomatoes I've picked and eaten.

You're an inspiration... without seeing stuff like this I wouldn't be trying this...
imaguitargod said:
Great looking stuff, my friend. I too have started to get ripened peppers in along with other stuff. How's the tobacco going?
The tobacco is doing OK. Its flowering now but getting yellow bottom leaves. When are they ready to pick?
lostmind said:
You're an inspiration... without seeing stuff like this I wouldn't be trying this...
peppermo said:
It was pictures like this, that you post that gave me the inspiration to give it a shot. I thank you for both the pictures and inspiration great harvest.
Thanks for the kind words guys, I'm glad you enjoy the pics. If it weren't for chiles, I would never use my camera but now I'm an addict:)
The tobacco is doing OK. Its flowering now but getting yellow bottom leaves. When are they ready to pick?
Start to pick the leaves at the bottem and start their curing process or just harvest thw whole thing.....unless you want seed too.