for-sale Powders for sale! *CLOSED*

If still available, please put me down for a 1/2 oz each of the following. Smoked mix, 7 pot mix, 7 pot douglah mix, and the bhut mix.


You got it Art A! Thanks for the order!

And thanks again to everyone else for their orders, and the great feedback. I really appreciate it!
I sold some powders locally. The quantities are updated in the first post.

Also, I recently made a batch of cherry-smoked habanero powder. I am not selling it because I didn't grow the peppers, but I will include a sample, along with some other goodies with each order from here on out. :P
Hi musky,
After reading this thread I must try a half ounce of your smoked mix.  PM sent for details.`
I'm new to growing hot peppers but already am bitten by the bug.  I must get some seed and grow a couple super hots next year.  I'm in NE Ohio.  Could you suggest a couple strains that would be good for my climate?