Prune Peppers Like Tomatoes?

I have generally followed this tomato pruning method with good results.  The idea is to take off the stems and suckers below the first that flower - (pic borrowed from web):

The idea being:
1.  Removes foliage closest to the ground, which has more bug/fungus issues,
2.  Lower stems less likely to bear fruit, plant already has plenty of leaves for photosynthesis,
3.  Frees up resources for fruit (bigger tomatoes),
4.  Allows more sunlight into the middle of the plant.
Do any of you do something similar with your pepper plants?  I have left them alone in the past, but may take off a few rows of bottom stems to clean them up.
millworkman said:
Dont prune peppers branches. Just leaves. Lower branches nearly always pass the top in terms of growth and more branches means more nodes means more peppers.
More nodes more peppers ! True! I have been told to trim and top peppers . I dont do this i like to let them do there thing .... I am goin to cut the ones that one the dirt just cuz i wont stop raining here and i already hhad a little black spot this year