labels Pure Evil label #2 update


eXtreme Business
EDIT- added another label on Pg2-
It's time for more Pure Evil labels. 
This is the label that goes on the metal tin.  I've removed the words "food additive", kept "non-extract", should it say "1.5mil SHU"?  Any other comments?
View attachment PE2015 front copy.pdf
Hopefully the pdf will show, if not, please hang tight while I edit. 
Hmmm, BRB with a picture~~~
OK- here's a picture of the label in Adobe.  Let me know what you think~
Sl love your PE, but I do notice a mistake. Technically your product is an extract. If I just take some peppers and put them through a food processor and then put them in alcohol or even water for a few days, and then separate the liquid from the pulp I will have an extract. Not trying to give you hell, and I know you mean its not that other crap, but it is still an extract. I would hope you don't catch any flak in the future from those who may cry about truth in labeling. Technically anything that uses some sort of solvent(which includes water)or machinery to separate active components from the whole plant or fruit, once it has been separated the liquid is an extract. I think that other crap is either synthetic or extracted with chemicals, and thus it has given the term "extract" a bad name. 
Thanks for your comments D3monic and AaronTT.
Noone else has commented about the freeform-v-aligned.  Hope to have a couple more inputs over the weekend.
Aaron, I don't soak chiles in vodka and then bottle it.  I use a refined crystalin powder.  The process is proprietary to the maker so I can't speak to their process of making the 100% pure capsaicin powder.  They may use liquids in the initial processing stages, but the end product is a 100% pure powder. 
As you alluded to, extract/extracts/extraction processes usually involve liquids/solvents.   All oil based capsaicin "things" I've ever tasted taste like crap and most experienced chileheads have found that out.  Thanks for sharing the Nit-Picky comments, I'm grateful for your input. 
I'm comfortable with the "non-extract" nomenclature.  I have not done a whole lot of research into how that other "spicy motor oil" is made, but I've heard it does involve some really harsh chemicals. 
-ps- technically what I use is 100% pure CAPSAICINOIDS.....of which capsaicin is the most dominant capsaicinoid, the others are present in lesser %, every lot comes with a CoA of percentages. 
Thanks for everyone for taking time to look at the labels and comment.  Much appreciated.  Still would like to hear one or 2 more about the aligned or not-aligned line. 
 moar info, Boss...what'chu talking 'bout?
Here's the latest version- SNIP2
PE Snip gif2.GIF

I know. Didn't you ask if we like some V text. Or random. Not seeing it. Oh well never mind.
OH, that's what you're asking about...:)
the line of "Non-Extract  1.5milSHU" is different on the 2 labels in the last post.  One is straight aligned to the bottom, the other is more "freeform" (not aligned).
That's the question.  Alchymyst did post something earlier about the lower 3 lines looking like an inverted V....but that option has already been decided.

Actually, in looking at the 2 labels side by side, why not have that one line different on the 2 labels?  Or maybe it should all be consistent?

sheesh, I'm getting as bad as S&O!  double questioning all the  choices...
Not to worry, I'm happy for the comments~
An inverted V meaning text would be in shape of ^ and smaller at the top? I'm not seeing it, unless you just mean V shaped, not inverted lol? I'll take a look again not seeing any difference.
Not seeing the random thing either.
2 separate things-
In the 2 labels, the line that is "non-Extract   1.5 million SHU" has different alignment of the individual letters.  Question #1`.
Question #2- (which has been addressed)
The Inverted V thing is refering to the bottom 3 lines-
Non-Extract  1.5milSHU
1/2 oz       shake well
In one version, the website addy was larger making the bottom 3 lines look blocky.  It was commented that it looked better with a smaller website addy that maked it look like an inverted V.  That's the look in the above samples.
I see a V shape to the text, but not inverted V, inverted means upside down unless I am going crazy? Possible.

salsalady said:
2 separate things-
In the 2 labels, the line that is "non-Extract   1.5 million SHU" has different alignment of the individual letters.  Question #1`.
This is barely noticeable. But I like the straighter on the R. The letters already have a bit of random character themselves.
I wrote initially of an INVERTED triangle or pyramid (which is the same as a letter 'V') to try and give an idea or word picture of how the alignment was pictured in one label as opposed to the other. Don't know where an 'inverted' letter 'V' came into the topic...Lol (that would then make it an upside -proper-  triangle/pyramid shape!).
And I too kind of like the straighter lines on the right label. One factor for me is with the straight 'dash' issue brought up earlier with the word 'Non-Extract'. I think it looks just a tad more neat/clean looking on the right label as opposed to the left. The letters E and X (upon further scrutiny :shocked: ) on the left do also almost look completely conjoined as to being more distinctly defined on the right label. 
Cheers!  :dance:
Yea, I knew someone said inverted something,  I'm probalby the one who mixed up triangle/pyramid with "V", didn't even catch an inverted V would be ^.  :lol:
Final proofs approved Tuesday, hope they get here soon as I'm down to less than 20 labels and the orders aren't slowing down.  :eek:
Thanks for eveyone's input!
salsalady said:
I like your comment about the inverted V for the bottom 3 lines.
salsalady said:
Noone else has commented about the freeform-v-aligned.
Yup it was you lolz. Of course now I get it but was trying to comment since you asked and was looking for that inverted freeform V thingy that doeesn't exist............. ;)
I have to say, I am not a fan of the label with the big green "V" superimposed. Very distracting, and not at all a clean look. 
The Hot Pepper said:
Yup it was you lolz. Of course now I get it but was trying to comment since you asked and was looking for that inverted freeform V thingy that doeesn't exist............. ;)
Sheesh!  I feel like the spirit of Kalitarios was haunting this thread.  :lol:
As soon as you posted the superimposed V, I knew what you were getting at and when Alchy posted about the triangle/pyramid..... :idea:   :lightbulb: 
or more maybe :doh:
course, it didn't help when I posted " freeform-v-aligned" that should of been "freeform-VS-aligned"...
BTW- LDHS, that label with the green V will be used for a Special Edition limited release on the anniversary of Vendetta....
Inverted V may be good for marketing after all... keep it.
not going to click on it....not going to click...... (where's the Blindfold Emoti~???)
just can't see that V working into the Pure Evil marketing plan....:shrug: .....V and PE......yea....NOT a good thing!!!!! 
Dang it, Boss!  Now I'm gonna have to look at marketing to alternative lifestyle clients!!!  :rolleyes: