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Quad's FrankenGrow diary

Being inside with little air current about, and few if any pollinators (I'm guessing :lol:) you may have to resort to hand pollination. Either a paintbrush or I've read somewhere on here of people using a spray bottle with water to mist the flowers and enhance pollination. Keep the faith Quad, the will fruit!
FiveStar said:
Being inside with little air current about, and few if any pollinators (I'm guessing :lol:) you may have to resort to hand pollination. Either a paintbrush or I've read somewhere on here of people using a spray bottle with water to mist the flowers and enhance pollination. Keep the faith Quad, the will fruit!

I was gonna say the same thing.:)
QuadShotz said:
Nope, no fruit. Flowers all fell off.

I've been having all teh plants just in the window now that it's summertime, and they really like it. But IDK...still no fruit. :(

Yay!!! The Quad has returned. :)

I've never tried it but was wondering if some tomato blossom set might help.
Can't chuck 'em. As long as they're growing there is hope. Have you tried hand pollinating yet? I imagine we all get some flower drop, I get my share believe me. Just grin and bear it man, nothing else to do.

Keep the faith quad, you'll be rewarded for it.
Well, still growing but no flowers. I just started them on Bloom ferts yesterday..we'll see if helps.

I can't take to uncles as it's a duplex.

He has the yard on his side, the rest of the fam lives on the other side. My brother's 100lb+ pit bull has the run of the place however...he'd destroy them in seconds.

Also, it's a mile away and I don't drive. So, maintaining them there would be almost impossible.

Today, I repotted the poor rootbound Sweet Basil plants I'd bought the other day though...loove that stuff. :)
QuadShotz said:
Well, still growing but no flowers. I just started them on Bloom ferts yesterday..we'll see if helps.

I can't take to uncles as it's a duplex.

He has the yard on his side, the rest of the fam lives on the other side. My brother's 100lb+ pit bull has the run of the place however...he'd destroy them in seconds.

Also, it's a mile away and I don't drive. So, maintaining them there would be almost impossible.

Today, I repotted the poor rootbound Sweet Basil plants I'd bought the other day though...loove that stuff. :)

A miles not far to walk dude but the pitbull might be a problem:shocked:
It's hack 'n slash time again...

Well, it's getting down to freezing out at night, the heat's on in the building now...so it's time to downsize.



Yeah, a couple were getting about 3' tall...those are 8x8 pots.
That small one on the right is a foot-tall basil plant.



Major prunage..filled two garbage bags worth. Back under the light ya go mates.

I'm gonna prune the big Bih back more, like the others, once it gets more growth going down below.

Wish the damn Basil would grow from the bottom...think it'll get scrapped soon and I'll start a healthier plant from seed.

I washed up the germination tray today, gonna try to sprout a couple varieties and see how it goes.
"Today, I repotted the poor rootbound Sweet Basil plants I'd bought the other day though...loove that stuff."

I also love sweet basil, I need to start a few more plants