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Question out of curiosity.

I started my plants extremly early around December and a bunch have fruit. All the fruit though are not ripening. So on average how long does it take for an extremely spicy pepper (ghost, reaper, ect.) to turn green to ripe? Also how long would it take for less spicy ones like cayenne and aji?
Bowman10117 said:
I started my plants extremly early around December and a bunch have fruit. All the fruit though are not ripening. So on average how long does it take for an extremely spicy pepper (ghost, reaper, ect.) to turn green to ripe? Also how long would it take for less spicy ones like cayenne and aji?
The hotter the pepper, the longer it takes to ripen.  There is no set time, but it'll usually take over a month for bhuts to get fully ripe.
There are a lot of variables that go into being able to answer how long a pepper takes to ripen. Weather is a big component. But yes, the hotter varieties do typically take longer. Other variables would be, health of the plant, how many pods are on the plant, how much sun the plant receives.. And so on and so on. What takes one person a month, could take another person 2 months. Just gotta be patient. Take good care of the plant and it'll give you ripe pods when it's ready.
From the time the pod forms it's about 4-6 weeks on average until it will be ripe, sometimes longer. Good temperatures will generally speed things up.
Ive had 7 Pot yellows that would ripen faster than a lemon drop. Crazy thing though, as soon as you see some yellow on a lemon drop pepper it turns within a few days to solid yellow. My yellow MOAs would take many times longer once you see the start of ripening. Both my aji cito and lemon drop would be covered in green pods for around a month before the first ones would start to turn. Last 2 years thats been around mid to late July. Might get a couple ripe pods sooner but not many.
I need to check my ghost today. It had quite a few buds and some flowers the other day. Ive heard they do take awhile. Ive got a couple pods on a Aji Arnaucho and one is already turning. Its not a baccatum though. I got a couple already on a Brazilian Starfish too.
Man, 4-6 weeks is rough.  I never really kept track, but it seems like my first pod on each plant takes about a month, but after that, they seem to form and ripen within about 2 weeks.  Something like a Fatalii, once it starts, is just absolutely non-stop, and the overlap is so great, that you completely lose track of the ability to even count ripening time.  LOL