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Quick Question

I was planning on making a fermented sauce today and was wondering if canned store bought sauerkraut would work to get it started. Also, does the size of container make a difference?
If you haven't already, check out the sticky "fermenting peppers 101" in this section.

Regarding cannedkraut, I don't think canned kraut has the live bacteria that is needed to kickstart the fermenting process. The heat process of canning the kraut will kill the bacteria. A cold-packed refrigerated kraut would likely have the bacteria still in it. Kimchee would also have some.

Size, just make sure there's enough headspace for the chiles to float without touching the airloc or lid.

good luck and have fun~
Thanks salsa lady, I was thinking the same thing about canned kraut. I think I'll just buy some plain yogurt. I was concerned with my jar being to big for the amount of product I have and didn't know if that would be a problem.
Go to the store and get a small plain yogurt container. 8 or 16 ounces. Whole milk only, no foofoo stuff, greek or flavored. Line a strainer with cheese cloth and dump the yogurt i to it. Pit a catch bowl under the strainer and let it separate for a few hours on the counter. It'll be fine.

What you will be left with is half the volume of the original yogurt and half whey in the bowl.

The solids are know as cream cheese! Yum. Add some salt and eat it.

The whey can be further filtered through a ccoffee filter if you want to remove any last bit of white milk solids, or not.

Bottle the leftover and freeze until later if yoh want
I thought it was proven that using yogurt whey to start your ferment is irrelivant as it isn't the same bacteria that is needed to ferment veggies. I personally have never used any type of starter and have done close to 10 ferments so far. The most important thing is having the correct container to ferment in.