• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

ratio help request

so I got tired of waiting for my 1/2 habanero mash to finish and realized I have one fermentation not in use
I bought some mango,pinapple  5 habanero and some dried cranberry raisons .  what ration should I use and what else to go with 5 habaneros?
I know nothing about fermentation.  But I would imagine that beyond what is required for the ferment to start, it is a matter of taste.  Are you experimenting for your self or for possible sales?  I have been playing with recipes for hot sauce, hoping someday to go the copack route.  Once I know I have a few recipes with the right acid level, I get some friends together to taste test the different recipes side by side.  Makes it a social thing.  Ive even started following health code for the taste tests so I can train myself should I ever do samples professionally. 