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Razor's back patio pepper garden....

Razor's patio 1 week update (6/7/09) PICS!

Here is me 2009 garden. My first year grow. I started a small garden a couple years ago but ended up moving out of state and had to leave them behind... Decided to go a bit bigger this time around. Imput and opinions very welcomed! Enjoy!

White Hab

Peter pepper

The only advice I have is to secure those tomato buckets, one stron wind and they are doomed.

They all look great, you're doing fine.
Razor looks awesome i'd love to have that many plant's goin someday.
how long has that choc hab been growing in that pic, are all the habs growing at the same rate? your peppers look awesome, what is your soil you use, how many hours of sun a day you think? sorry soo many questions but i like this outdoor setup and pots. i'd like to see how those puppies grow up.
Noshownate said:
Razor looks awesome i'd love to have that many plant's goin someday.
how long has that choc hab been growing in that pic, are all the habs growing at the same rate? your peppers look awesome, what is your soil you use, how many hours of sun a day you think? sorry soo many questions but i like this outdoor setup and pots. i'd like to see how those puppies grow up.
I started that Chocolate hab (and quite a few others) from seed in March, somewhere near beginning/mid March if I remember correctly (I grew 2 1/2 25 cell jiffy pots about 2 weeks apart from each other). I actually transplanted it to a pot immediately after signs of sprouting. I kept it inside and gave it sunlight from a sliding glass door for a couple weeks, then I put all of them in a greenhouse on my deck I made from pvc pipe and painters plastic.
I'm on the west coast and fortunately for me my deck faces south so I get plenty of sun on them. They get about 9 hrs of sun a day, about 2+ hrs of direct sun sandwiched between 3 or 4 hrs of indirect sun.
The habs I have have seemed to be growing at different rates, not sure if it is due to types or transplant times or conditions but the white hab one of the first pics)plant blew past the other habs, but they all seem to be in great shape.
For my first grow and all of them being on pots, I am very pleased with the outcome so far. They have only been out of the greenhouse a couple of days and I have been hardening them for wind and sun so time will tell.
I'll be posting update pics evey couple weeks or so...
Sorry for the long explanation but, you did ask! :):hell:
Oh, I forgot to answer one question.... I am using Miracle Grow Moisture Control. Doesn't seem to be a favorite around this forum from what I read, but it's okay for me this season. Didn't find this place till after all was in pots....maybe next year I'll experiment more.
ABurningMouth said:
Very nice and neat. I like the crock-like pots.
Yea....those were at Albertsons (grocery store). $9 each for the big ones (12.2") and $6 for the (9.4") medium ones. A good deal from what I have found for glazed pots with drainage. I'm planning on keeping the most healthy ones inside over winter so I wanted something other than just a bucket :)
Thanks Bob B! I want to update pics soooo bad, but I told myself I would wait 2 weeks between posts....so much growth so little time!
Very nice, that Chocolate Hab is on the verge of taking off. You won't recognize it in two weeks. I love how big the leaves get on those plants.
It's been a week since the last update... I was going to wait 2 weeks but the growth has been substantial this week so I am updating the pictures.... my first cayenne pepper fruit grew 4 inches in 4 days! Holy hell. I hope the others produce as fast....


white hab

peter pep

Choco Bhut, devils tongue, trinidad scorp, pretty purple, marbles, scotch bonnet, dorset naga, aji lemon.....(still youngens)

Paper lantern, orange hab, basil, cilantro, mint...



I am stoked with it all so far....I have put some marigolds around the plant as I was told they deter unwanted bugs... I live on the 3rd floor so I am assuming there wont be too much of an issue. anyways.... input/advice welcome.