Recipe ettiquette question

Hi Guys,

I am new to the forums and thought it best to check the forum rules/moderators for guidance on recipe etiquette.

Do all recipes posted have to be the post authors original IP? If a favourite non original recipe is able to be referenced, what is the ettiquette to posting/linking to it? (if at all allowed). Is there a place or interest on this forum to even post favourite non original recipes?


I've seen referencing a specific recipe. It's also so easy to change a recipe just a tad so it's not plagiarizing. like instead of 1 tsp Salt, say, 1 tsp SeaSalt. I'm pretty sure you can link to a recipe as long as it's not to another forum and especially if it's to promote that forum. (huge no no).
Often times we'll say hey, what do you think about this...

I hope this helps.

***disclaimer***: if I'm wrong my account was hacked.
Welcome, Webfoot~

most of us use recipes found on the interwhebz for inspiration and usually tweek them to suit our own needs, tastes, ingredients on hand, etc.

As long as you're not claiming it to be your own original creation, linking to the original recipe or making reference to it being "internet-inspired" usually suffices.

There are general cooking threads/forums where you post the recipe, hot sauce making threads where you post the recipe,and there are also other cooking/hot sauce threads where you can just splash up a couple pics with general descriptions and call it good.

If you are using a recipe from a published cookbook, it would probably be good to reference that material, but I don't know the legalities of all that. It probably has something to do with copyrighted works.

Have Fun!
My understanding is that a recipe cannot be copyrighted.

That said, if you pull something verbatim off of another site or printed material, it's considered appropriate to cite the source, as SL indicated.

Also, :welcome:
still won't be Lucky Dog Hot Sauce. So there.


I actually do micro-batches (50-60 bottles) using hickory and applewood/cherrywood smoked peppers. I am hoping to start selling those around March/April.