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Regional Words - Phrases

Here is one that wrecked me  many years ago...
Pudding - I always thought as Chocolate, Banana, Tapioca etc..
"Country Pudding"  Is not a dessert. One of the few foods I cannot eat. Some liver based concoction often sold like sausage in appearance. I can't stand liver, so if you are ever offered "Country Pudding" in the southern United States, know that liver is coming. But, it is popular and many people like it.
Had this discussion years ago with a bud from Pennsylvania, (he's gone now RIP) but I recall he told me of something similar he ate growing up I think it was called "scrabble."
No sir, don't believe I could eat it. 
Reckon it's ok to hijack one's own thread, so I will speak to it.
I've been lucky enough to travel to quite a few places in the world. I tasted the foods, enjoyed the beers and some occasions -  the companionship of a lovely woman.
I grew up on eating a staple of what some would call "critters." Squirrels, Rabbits, Doves, Quail and Deer. I am very "open minded" about food. Have a "cast Iron Gullet" if you will.
Having said all that, I've found only three (3) things I absolutely just cannot eat, no matter how hard I try.
1. Liver. In any preparation, any form. (gag reflex.)
2. Beets. The purple kind in a can. (gag reflex)
3. Cheese. (only raw,)  cooked, melted love it. Can't eat just a plain piece of cheese. Of all, this one confounds me. It always looks and sounds great, the different names/ styles and such, but try as I might, I just cannot eat a hunk of cheese. But again, I cook with cheeses and enjoy it. Can't explain the dichotomy.  :confused:
Uff-da  =  an exclamation or interjection expressing bafflement, surprise, or dismay.
you betcha  =  Yah = agreement or acknowledgement of understanding what someone else is saying
don't cha know  =  a way to end your statement and determine if the other person understands and or is still listening.   To which you would respond yah, yah sure,  or you betcha 
ope (like Nope without the N) = something you say when you just need to scootch on past someone standing in your way
bubbler = drinking fountain
Skyway = the skywalk between buildings
WarrantMan said:
No sir, don't believe I could eat it. 
Reckon it's ok to hijack one's own thread, so I will speak to it.
I've been lucky enough to travel to quite a few places in the world. I tasted the foods, enjoyed the beers and some occasions -  the companionship of a lovely woman.
I grew up on eating a staple of what some would call "critters." Squirrels, Rabbits, Doves, Quail and Deer. I am very "open minded" about food. Have a "cast Iron Gullet" if you will.
Having said all that, I've found only three (3) things I absolutely just cannot eat, no matter how hard I try.
1. Liver. In any preparation, any form. (gag reflex.)
2. Beets. The purple kind in a can. (gag reflex)
3. Cheese. (only raw,)  cooked, melted love it. Can't eat just a plain piece of cheese. Of all, this one confounds me. It always looks and sounds great, the different names/ styles and such, but try as I might, I just cannot eat a hunk of cheese. But again, I cook with cheeses and enjoy it. Can't explain the dichotomy.  :confused:
i can`t do liver. i can eat liverwurst in small doses with lots of mustard, cheese, lettuce and tomato and onion on a sammy. it`s an acquired taste. pickled beets out of a jar are good just like pickled red cabbage. beets in the can suck. cheese is one of my favorites. i love most all kinds but i really like swiss and other similar cheeses for the nutty flavor they have. extra sharp chedder is fantastic. is it the taste or the texture that turns you off?
steering this back on topic here we have steamers. also called soft shelled clams or pisser clams they are a regional thing.  because the shell is more delicate they don`t ship well and are mostly found in markets and restaurants near the coast in the northeast. after they are cooked you pull them from the shell and then remove the "foreskin" from the neck of the clam before eating it. :metal: you either love em or hate em LOL. you can also order them fried with or without their stomach. 

steamers during.JPG
The Hot Pepper said:
I ate steamers when I was a little kid. Haven't had them since. Still remember the flavor and the butter. Man I would love some right now.
same here. i have now decided i will drive to the coast and find a place that has them this year. 
i imagine if you go into any restaurant in the country besides new england and say "i`ll take the steamers with a cup of the broth on the side"  the waiter/waitress would look at you like you have 3 heads.  :rofl:
Kacked/kacked out = something broken, example dead engine.

Hooped= similar to kacked but more along the lines of fubar when referring to a thing. If referring to a person, they are basically f'd over.

F#@%ing the dog aka making puppies. =willfully doing as little as possible at work. I have heard it called goldbricking. Completely different than screwing the pooch, which means making a large mistake,or making a mess of a task.

Parkade= multilevel parking structure/parking garage.

Skeevy= dirty/disgusting. Can refer to a person, place or thing.
Listening to my father in law talking to his brother. Both Newfoundlanders.

"how did you come to go up there now?"

The world is apparently divided into Canada, USA, England and the "Other countries". Lol