• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Regulus 2016

Wild forest Rocoto Aji Largo
Capsicum Praetermissum CGN 22795 -  compared to another Praetermissum(the ends of the petals have violet-blue colour) has the ends of petals white.

Capsicum Eximium - put a lot of fruits

Rocoto makes me happy too  :party: - here Capsicum Pubescens cv.Montufar

Capsicum Pubescens cv.Minirocoto

Rocoto races with raspberries, who will be higher. It seems that rocoto ...

Thegreenchilemonster said:
Cool! My mini rocoto are ripening to red, but I had originally thought they were supposed to turn yellow. How is your aji largo coming along?
Ah, in fact, I have been growing mini rocoto the first year, and I had thought that it was going to yellow too. But as you mentioned, everything is possible  :P  (by the way, a red colour is not bad).
Aji largo has been producing very well (now only green fruits). It looks like a productive season. I'll reap it in September and October.

What peppers do you grow? :dance:
Regulus said:
Ah, in fact, I have been growing mini rocoto the first year, and I had thought that it was going to yellow too. But as you mentioned, everything is possible  :P  (by the way, a red colour is not bad).
Aji largo has been producing very well (now only green fruits). It looks like a productive season. I'll reap it in September and October.

What peppers do you grow? :dance:
Nice! My aji largo look about the same as yours, but no ripe pods so far. Very productive plant though.

I mainly grow Pubescens, Baccatum, and chinense from Central and South America. I also grow a handful of superhots.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Cool! My mini rocoto are ripening to red, but I had originally thought they were supposed to turn yellow. How is your aji largo coming along?
Where did you get your seeds for the mini rocoto? I have one plant growing, got mine from pepperlover, and they are supposed to turn yellow. They are still green, but I've had a lot of seeds from her that haven't been quite what they were supposed to be. 
Comptine said:
Where did you get your seeds for the mini rocoto? I have one plant growing, got mine from pepperlover, and they are supposed to turn yellow. They are still green, but I've had a lot of seeds from her that haven't been quite what they were supposed to be. 
I got mine in a trade with AZ1000. I have been getting a lot of pod variation between all of my guatemalan red rocoto plants though, and I got those seeds from Pepperlover. I'm not complaining though, because those guatemalan red rocotos are by far the most prolific Pubescens I've ever grown.
Comptine said:
Where did you get your seeds for the mini rocoto? I have one plant growing, got mine from pepperlover, and they are supposed to turn yellow. They are still green, but I've had a lot of seeds from her that haven't been quite what they were supposed to be. 
 I bought minirocoto at semillas.de.  I grow it first year and I wonder what colour it will have:)