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Review: Red Savina




Got this one from PepperLover, thanks Judy. This is one very fine tasting pepper, crunchy, kinda fruity, really hard to describe the taste, tangy. Lots of oil in this one. The heat is deceit as well. Took quite a few seconds to start to burn. The lips got alittle on fire, mostly tongue, alittle in the back of throat. :onfire: The ex-champ went down good to the Bhut Jolokia though. I will take the rest of it to work tomorrow for some people to try, with a half Trinidad Scorpion.
Glad to hear you found a fine tasting chile. Keeps me motivated to continue trying peppers. Nice review.

What did you mean by "The ex-champ went down good to the Bhut Jolokia though" ?
The Red Savina was the hottest pepper on record before the Bhut Jolokia got testing and in the Guiness World Record Book.
good reveiw! i think there were to many seeds in mine to pick out the flavours you descibed. of course judy is a way better grower than me so maybe that has something to do with it. that was one oily savina!
Try a Big Sun Scotch Bonnet, pretty tasty.

You read my mind, tasting any Scotch Bonnet this year is at the top of my list. I have heard so many good things about Bonnets (Big Sun, Burkina, TFM) I am stocking up on varieties for next year. I am growing a CCN Yellow Scotch Bonnet and a Burkina this season. Only the CCN is doing well lots of flowers but no pods yet. Looks like we are going to have a week of temperatures in the 80's starting today so this may finally be the week my plants start setting fruit. I don't think my Burkina will fruit this year, but will try and over winter it for some early spring pods.
