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ripening in a paper bag with apple and banana

i've had several dozen long red thick cayenne in a paper bag for 8 days. about 2/3 have turned red but now after 8 days they are drying out. will this ripen them in the fridge or will the cold stop the ripening? i don't think i can leave them out at room temp too much longer.
I just hit a week with about 6 dozen cayennes with the banana in the bag trick. Mostly all red now and beginning to dry, which is okay with me. Plan to pop em in the dehydrator and then powderize them.

Maybe you just need to keep the 1/3 in the bag longer and see if they turn. If they dry, so what? I think the fridge would halt ripening. I've let some of my smaller pods (also Thai chili) air dry in the past and they keep pretty well thru the winter.
thanks. yeah i agree the fridge seems like it would stop the ripening. i hate to lose them cuz now all i have to eat from the garden is in the fridge as it's cleaned out and ready to be tilled. i've been using them up frying 10-15 at a time so as to not store them any longer.
Thats not a bad idea. Do you fry them straight and then freeze? I stir fried some Anaheims in olive oil with onion and crookneck squash and then froze a bunch that way. Maybe I'll throw some cayennes in that mix.

I've got cayenne plants and a few others hanging in the garage (first freeze last night) and will 'banana bag' some today. Hopefully I get a bunch more to turn.... :cool:
Thats not a bad idea. Do you fry them straight and then freeze? I stir fried some Anaheims in olive oil with onion and crookneck squash and then froze a bunch that way. Maybe I'll throw some cayennes in that mix.

I've got cayenne plants and a few others hanging in the garage (first freeze last night) and will 'banana bag' some today. Hopefully I get a bunch more to turn.... :cool:

i do not cook them when i freeze them, i put them on a cookie sheet not touching each other and freeze them then toss into a freezer bag. by freezing them on the cookie sheet they freeze separately and can be taken out 1 pepper at a time. btw, my reference to what's in the fridge applies to all the garden's pickings - broccoli, lettuce, peppers sweet and hot, swiss chard, tatsoi an oriental green in the mustard family, that's all that was left. i have some other garden stuff in storage or frozen but my point was nothing else will come from the garden now tho i have parsley in 5 gallon pails still.
... i've been using them up frying 10-15 at a time so as to not store them any longer....
Okay, I got it now. You musta had a typo of 'frying' for 'freezing'. Darn, I thought you might have a cayenne frying recipe on hand.

It's a great time of the year trying to 'capture' the food that's been grown. At least peppers are a little easier than a lot of vegetables as they are good dried, dehydrated, fried, frozen, mixed, canned, pickled, sauced, and powdered and probably a few other ways.

Thanks for the tip on freezing them individually....
When freezing mine I do the normal double wash after harvest and left them air dry. The in a Ziploc and into the freezer. As long as they are dry when they go in they won't freeze together. Then when frozen I vacuum seal them and back in the freezer they go. When it is time to take them out I have never had an issue with being froze together. Pressed together, yes but a simple tap and they are apart, and that is not all the time.