• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

RocketMan's 2013 Glog; In The House!!

There are no gardening mistakes,only experiments." -- Janet Kilburn Phillips

I love that quote and it will try my best to remember it through this new grow. So, I'm going with only 18 varities this year as we're looking at moving to a larger house if not buying this summer and I really don't want to have to try and haul a ton of plants when we do. the ones I've selected are:

1. 7 Pot Jonah---------------------------- Pic 1
2. Aji Lemon------------------------------- romy6
3. Chili De Arbol Negro------------------ smokemaster via SocalChilihead
4. Datil-------------------------------------- Pic 1
5. Fatalii------------------------------------ Pic 1
6. Gochu----------------------------------- Stickman
7. Red Savania--------------------------- Pic 1
8. Chocolate Habanero----------------- Pic 1
9. West Indian Yellow Habanero------ Pic 1
10. Jalabanero---------------------------- SocalChilihead
11. Jalapeno------------------------------- frydad4
12. Douglah-------------------------------- Pic 1
13. Peruvian White Habanero---------- ????
14. Scotch Bonnet Jamican Red------- Pic 1
15. Thai Short----------------------------- Lieban
16. Jamican Hot Chocolate------------- ????
17. Butch T-------------------------------- Pic 1
18. T Scorpion Yellow------------------- Pic 1

Here's the layout and they went into the dirt.



Alot of them are ones i started last year that never grew beyond a certain point and I'm pretty sure that a lot of it was my new grower mistakes. Since I really want to try them I'm giving them a grow again. Once again, thanks to everyone that helped me getting started with gifts of seeds and to all on here thanks for leaving your incredable words of wisdom that we can all learn from.

Cheers to a bountiful grow this year.
Wow! Just caught up with everything and... wow. You've got a lot going on Bill! Awesome video, first off. Second, you've been handling the challenges of moving and gardening well. Next, I really hope that house works out for you, but I'm also glad it sounds like you've got solid back up plans. Finally, by the looks of this picture, it looks like you guys have done the same VBS that we'll be starting up here this week. Good deal!

RocketMan said:
MOVING DAY!! The day has finally come for us to say good bye to the old house and here's Nick ready to go and waving bye bye


Hopefully time will fly now and we'll be in the new house quickly. Have a great weekend everyone :)
Andy, the kids had a blast!
As for that radar pic, we wound up getting sprinkles for about 45 minutes that night and had to water the plants Sunday night, dodged the bullet there :)
The plants are going through a slow phase right now it seems like. Fed them some Alaskan Fish Ferts last week and then gave them a dose of AACT so I'm hoping that kicks them back into action. I am getting a little bit of love from them though.

have a great day :)

WOW, a coworker who knows of my love of spicy foods and hot peppers just stopped by and brought me these from his garden.

They are from seed from Guyana where he's from called Ball Of Fire. I looked it up and they are a Guyanese Scotch Bonnet. I'm going to try one with lunch and will post my review after. Oh, yes of course I'm going to be saving the seeds ;)
Very nice! Man all of you guys knowing your ethnic friends....I need to find me some friends from afar...lol

Some of my plants are in a slow period too, others are bangin'. AACT FOR LIFE!.....literally.
So I shared half the pepper with a buddy of mine here at work and we agree, this is a really tasty pepper. It has almost the sweetness of say a Red Bell pepper and the heat of like a mild to medium Jalapeno and overall just really, really tasty. While the sweetness is on the level of a Red Bell the Flavor is defiantly Scotch Bonnet. Here's a pic of the inside of the Ball Of Fire from Guyana.

I pulled 10 seeds from this one and have one more still. He also said he'd bring me some more in.
3/5King said:
Very nice! Man all of you guys knowing your ethnic friends....I need to find me some friends from afar...lol

Some of my plants are in a slow period too, others are bangin'. AACT FOR LIFE!.....literally.
I work with a great group of people which makes for holding a job that pays below what I could make in a non government position, not so bad. There are several closet chiliheads here and they love when I bring in something for them to try. Every now and then one of them will bring in something and that's what happened here and it will be on my grow list.
stickman said:
Hi Bill, Sounds like the Guyana chile you tried would make good poppers or salsa... Nice score!
Devv said:
+1 on 508!
You are correct Rick. They're a good Scotch Bonnet, Habanero size and would be a good single bite.
Quick update on the house, everything is lining up and looking good but we haven't been able to do anything that deals with buying the house the easy way. So now we're having to go through the VA Financing procedure the manual way, Automated said we would have to put down 10% and we just don't have that kind of money. The finance company working it for us says the they don't understand why it came back that way but they feel certain that we'll have no problem with the manual process. 
SO, hopefully this time next month we'll be in our new home and planning a blow out Open House party. I'll just be glad when this whole ordeal is over and done with and we can go home :) Keep those prayers and good wishes coming, they're working!
Good luck man, hope everything works out.  10%?? I thought a prevision of the VA loan was that you could go 0% down (unless you are already under another VA Mortgage). 
Matt, it is unless there is something in your Credit History like the Short Sell we have in ours. We can still go 0% but we have to go through the manual way rather than automated.
Took a couple of days off and went up to Waycross, GA to spend some time with the family. Came back yesterday and had a little harvest:

Now last Thursday my mom got back from a cruise to Alaska and brought me back a couple of treats;
This is a chocolate Ghost Pepper Caramel. The streak on top is a Salt and it was really good. Not too much burn but enough to let you know it's there.

Looking forward to trying this one;

These were part of a Beer pairing. Going to have to figure out what beers to match them up to.

And of course knowing my love of Sourdough;

Hope y'all are having a great week, I just got the kiddos enrolled in their new school. Not time to go to work so i can get some rest ;)
MGOLD86 said:
NICE SCORE Bill!  Bread is definiltely on my list of things to do, and ill look forward to your thoughts on a packaged starter!
If you like Sourdough after I get this one up and going strong I'll see about getting some up to you 
Devv said:
Nice score Bill, love that dark chocolate!
I really like dark chocolate, just hoping that it'll have some heat come through like the Ghost pepper chocolate did. I'm most interested in trying to match some beers to the others, and it dang sure ain't going to be a Bud Light :)