• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

RocketMan's 2013 Glog; In The House!!

There are no gardening mistakes,only experiments." -- Janet Kilburn Phillips

I love that quote and it will try my best to remember it through this new grow. So, I'm going with only 18 varities this year as we're looking at moving to a larger house if not buying this summer and I really don't want to have to try and haul a ton of plants when we do. the ones I've selected are:

1. 7 Pot Jonah---------------------------- Pic 1
2. Aji Lemon------------------------------- romy6
3. Chili De Arbol Negro------------------ smokemaster via SocalChilihead
4. Datil-------------------------------------- Pic 1
5. Fatalii------------------------------------ Pic 1
6. Gochu----------------------------------- Stickman
7. Red Savania--------------------------- Pic 1
8. Chocolate Habanero----------------- Pic 1
9. West Indian Yellow Habanero------ Pic 1
10. Jalabanero---------------------------- SocalChilihead
11. Jalapeno------------------------------- frydad4
12. Douglah-------------------------------- Pic 1
13. Peruvian White Habanero---------- ????
14. Scotch Bonnet Jamican Red------- Pic 1
15. Thai Short----------------------------- Lieban
16. Jamican Hot Chocolate------------- ????
17. Butch T-------------------------------- Pic 1
18. T Scorpion Yellow------------------- Pic 1

Here's the layout and they went into the dirt.



Alot of them are ones i started last year that never grew beyond a certain point and I'm pretty sure that a lot of it was my new grower mistakes. Since I really want to try them I'm giving them a grow again. Once again, thanks to everyone that helped me getting started with gifts of seeds and to all on here thanks for leaving your incredable words of wisdom that we can all learn from.

Cheers to a bountiful grow this year.
I have been gardening with my kids for a few years now, and the fascination has worn off some. They still enjoy putting seeds in the dirt, and will help some with the harvesting, but they have figured out that pulling weeds is WORK! The other thing is they have a tendency to drown the little sprouts. More than once I've come outside and found a container with an inch or so of water on top of the soil.

Good look with your cub scout project!

My 2 little ones are very much in the moment kids still. So, if they see me doing something like watering, they want to help and when it comes to finding ripe pods they, especially my son, have a great eye for spotting them. I think the scouts will have fun with it if I and the parents can make it fun and not seem like a chore. Last Monday I started them working of their Music Belt Loop. I taught them about rythm and took my guitar in. By the end of the evening they were keeping time and singing the 2 songs I taught them. Next month they'll perform at the Pack meeting.

Great to see your seedling kicking butt with a tasty looking pod hanging over there. Sorry I can't help because what I thought were fatalii ended up being yellow bhut, but I always notice yellow varieties stay only have two color phases from what I have noticed from the Yellow bhut, yellow brainstrain, yellow habalokia I grew last year. Hope everything is going well for you and your family

Thanks Fernando, we're doing great. I haven't had much expierence with the yellows, mostly red, orange and green pods. Looking forward to getting some pods in this summer and seeing what kind of inventive ways I can find to use them.

Looking good Bill! I sympathize on the busy part... it's been that way here too. Keep up the good work!

Thanks Rick, is it 5:00 somewhere yet?

Lookin goot...

Conrad, good to see ya Brother! Thanks, going to be moving these babies into some solo cups soon and from there to some 3 gallon root pouches I have. We're looking to buy a house around May so I really don't want to put anything in the ground yet. We've found several that we like in Titusville, Chuluota and Deland. Most with a min of 1/2 acre lot and one that we really like here in Orlando that is on a 5 acre lot. There was also one in Geneva, FL but it was unfinished and we need easy access to College/University for our older kids.

Hey, it's Friday Eve, have a great weekend everyone. Mary and I will be celebrating 21 years tomorrow. Still seems like yesterday we were just dating :)
Hey RM every thing is looking good and making me jealous!

Your certainly right on that not being a fatalli, kina looks like a Savina or Caribbean Red to me, but there are so may varieties any more who really knows, nice lookin pod though.

I think you should eat it and let us know. lol

Cheers, Jeff
Bill that pod looks like a Red Fatalii, which can be shorter and plump. I grow both the yellow and the red Fatalii's.

Brian "Justaguy" had sent me pods the were his cross from the "Red Savina x Yellow Fatalii". I had a few plants last year from the seeds, some were red other plants turned out yellow pods. Seeds were all from red pods. Anythings possible. I'm sure your pods will be packing some moderate heat.
Small harvest today:
2 Thai Short Hots and one of the Mystery peppers

But then I stopped by the Spanish Market on the way home and adn picked up these:



And into the dryer they went


Got a nicle little burn from them when I licked my finger off after cutting them up. Can't wait till they're dry and powdered :)
Aw... no sauces with the Rocotos? ;) I like Shane's orange Manzano powder on fish. Someday I'll try the red ones too. How are your babies doing Bill?
Actually one of the sauces I developed for Darwins, wheebz, is a Rocoto / Aji Ammarillo sauce and I've been thinking about seeing what it would be like using smoked peppers. I decided to dry and powder these just to see what happens. There's 4 bags there that I picked up for somethign like 3.49 a bag. I might just have to see about growing some but my understanding is they really don't like Florida :(
Man, I came in the door tonight and dang the Rocotos are smelling good! Plants are all getting a nice little drink from Ma Nature. Oh, and for those interested keep a weather eye on the Hot Sauce threaads for a new RocketMan Hot Sauce to show up.

have a great evening
Bill nice small harvest ^_^ did you identify the mystery pepper? I also like your idea about smoking rocotos, what wood you thinking of using? I too grow the Thai Hot as well, I have two plants and they pop out little tiny pods like a Pez dispenser. Other than decoration on my dips I use them in sandwiches sautéed with little Florida Everglades tomatoes, garlic and onions … tasty little devils & go well on fish too.
Nice score with the Rocotos. Our Mexican mercados always have the Yellow Manzano's. I haven't seen the red at all even at our downtown Fulton mkts,
This year I'm growing a Guatemalen Rocoto, .smoking them sounds interesting....are the ones you bought thick walled ?
Yes, they have really nice thick walls and smell incredible. I have a friend at church that's from South America and she was telling me about how funny it is when people that don't know what they are will pick up a fresh one at the market thinking they're just small red bells and then take a bite out and find out different. I'd love to see that, insert an evil grin here!
Ok, it's posted up in the Hot Sauce section.

RocketMan's Original War Horse

It's a Garlic Wasabi Hot Sauce with Green Habaneros, Serannos, Wasabi and a whole freaking POUND of Garlic.

Yummy :)
And here are the dried Rocotos after the first run through the Ninja.


Next batches will be smoked over some apple wood also thinking about adding some dried Aji Amarillo pods to this one. Gotta think on that though.

Have a great weekend
Man it must be nice to grow your seedlings outside. Great score on the Rocotos. I only find them frozen or jarred here in Maryland. That powder looks awesome. Good luck with your grow!
Hey, Bill! Your seedlings are getting off to a great
start; transplant time soon!

Contrats on the chili cook off prize. The fact it was
all gone is the greatest award! THP boy makes good!

Keep up the good work - great find on the rocotos BTW!
Man it must be nice to grow your seedlings outside. Great score on the Rocotos. I only find them frozen or jarred here in Maryland. That powder looks awesome. Good luck with your grow!

It really is. Here in Orlando we really only have a couple of days a year where we get temps low enough to have to cover or bringing in our plants. Monday night was shaping up to be one so I moved the seedlings into the garage but it turned out to only get down to about 37 dF and everything else was fine. Moved them back out yesterday afternoon.

Yep, I get the Rocoto's frozen at the local Spanish market. They're exported from Peru and the powder is fantastic.

Hey, Bill! Your seedlings are getting off to a great
start; transplant time soon!

Contrats on the chili cook off prize. The fact it was
all gone is the greatest award! THP boy makes good!

Keep up the good work - great find on the rocotos BTW!

Thank you Brother Paul, planning on moving them up to some Solo cups this week. Some will be going to friends and family and the ones i keep will eventually find homes in some 3 gallon Root Pouches.

Need to get some Pics up tonight :)

Have a great week
I'll keep that in mind Jamie. We do like that area and one other more than some of the others. Ane only an hour commute to work so not bad.