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Rodents have declared war.

I use these one of these bad boys.


It seriously works and we have caught them as soon as like 15 minutes after setting before.
That looks nice, but I'm a little concerned that the mice can fit through the bars since it's aimed at chipmunks. Aren't mice good at compressing themselves to squeeze through small holes?

I found a few others on that site that might be worth looking into as well. I'll check more after work, thanks for the suggestion.
As Yumyum said.

With all the grass snakes, cats, long-eared owl, barn owl, peregrine falcon and buzzard I got in my garden, mice don't stand a chance. I didn't see a mice in my garden's house for a decade.

The other option is this, but it will cost a little bit more ....


No seriously there is only 2 options if you don't want to use predators :
- poison
- traps

So if poison is not an option either, then go for electric traps : kill fast and clean.

Well, it was finally warm enough to leave the plants outside, and all my seedlings became lunch for something. Completely eaten down to the dirt, except for one poor little bastard that got burned from the sun and has a 50/50 chance of making it.

Why does the planet hate my plants?

As it stands, the only plants that will be ready to produce this summer are my 2 overwintered Butch Ts, and one choc hab.
The rabbits got me last year in one of my gardens. I dropped 18 pepper plants on a Saturday, ran out of time, and came back on Sunday to put up the fence and they were all chewed off to the ground.
If you're allergic to cats, then get a hawk, or a snake ... If you brodcast hawk's call they will also go away (I did that for starlings invading my garden by hundred of thousands and it worked very well. It even attrac a couple of hawks ...).

For traps you can make some kind of a "fish pot" but for mices with a plastic bottle (cut the top, reverse it, glue it, put barley in it).

Edit : it just remind me a great vid


I use these, just found one yesterday in the shed that must have got popped last year.

I use these one of these bad boys.


It seriously works and we have caught them as soon as like 15 minutes after setting before.
Sometimes it takes a day or two, but almost always gets something.
Just toss a couple pieces of dry dog kibble in it and BAM.
I just dump in in a trash bag and them sling the bag against the wall. Done. Dead mouse/rat.
When I get squirrels in it I do take them a couple miles away and just open the cage door and dump them out free by a field. Maybe they become hawk food.. Dunno.

I caught 3 racoons and a few squirels with this. Funny thing is you can even catch them when it's not baited. They kept stealing the bait so I gave up and then caught them. I think they wouldn't give up till they found the bait they'd been dining on! :D

THIS looks Safe and Humane

just got one! little bugger ate my granola bars and pistachios. just remember that if you're using traps, have to secure it to the ground or something heavy; otherwise they can flip and throw the mouse. a loop of duct tape works wonders on carpet.
i'm thinking it's the same one that's been nibbling on my overwinters and chomped down my peas and melon seedlings. set it again just to be safe