• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2012

So i was gonna cont. my thread from last year but decided I better stay with the norm. I am not allowed to grow indoors( thanks to my better half) so I will not start anything new til late February and they will be germinated outside. Until then I have a nice amounts of plants I will be overwintering.They are as folllows.
2 Brain strain ( wayright )
2 chocolate bhut's( wayright)
4 yellow cardi scorps( wayright)
2 red 7's (THSC)
2 yellow 7's ( judy)
2 hybrid bhut's(redwoodcityseeds)
1 red bhut(CPI)
1 7 pot barrackpore ( roper2008)
1 red savina
1 douglah hybrid(wayright)
1 chocolate habanero( lisa/ gardens 2 grow)
1 african tunisian(gardens 2 grow)
1 chiltepin( garden 2 grow)
1 donne sali( wayright)
1 datil(CPI)
1 dorsett naga( highhalt's 2010 seed swap)
and a couple mystery plants

Here is a pic of some of them as I was bringing them in the Garage. My son JJ was a huge help. This is the latest i have ever had to bring them in .( I say that like I have been growing peppers forever) But last year I had to bring my plants in several times before the new year. :halo:


And my first hybrid bhut with some peas my boy grew. I say that bhut was :hot:
Oh no!!! Not a Justin Bieber shirt! :sick: :doh:.
Thought the same thing when I read the post last night! Admit it Jamie you have a matching shirt! You got Beiber fever!!! First Dora, now this!!! My youngest daughter is 14 and my resident chilihead...my son tries, but he's only 11 and not quite up to snuff for the really hot stuff yet. She however dumps your powder, my powder and anything else hot she can get her hands on all over her food...carefully coating each bite with a generous amount. Well she's been bugging me to try one of the peppers and so I figured the Red Hab would be a good jumping off point before she steps up to the ridiculous. She had friends over last night and ate it as they all giggled...she was real tough in front of them, but I could tell she was hurting after a bit. She drank half a glass of milk, but really handled it well! We'll have to see how soon she comes back for more. On the menu for today is either the red scorp or the choco bhut...never had either, so this should be interesting!

All joking aside, you are correct that is by far your best pic! Enjoy those little ones while they still got that new kid smell...my youngest will be in Junior high next year, and both daughters in High school...Freshman and Junior. College apps and invites started showing up this year for my oldest. Don't know where the time went???
Brian , I think she has lost interest since he beat up that guy ;)

Thanks Shane. I now how fast them kids grow :onfire:

That is sweet that you hav a little chilihead in the house.

Hopefully my kids willl see the light as well one day :dance:

So I got a early Birthday present fom the wife today. I am hog heavan.


Can't wait to smoke some peppers :fireball:


Dinner was amazing. And JJ marinaded the food.


And some harvest picks from today...


The two yellow 7's are huge. I can see why Judy calls them Giant yellow 7's :hell:

WOOOHOOOO! Talk about a great gift! What a cool setup, you can smoke your peppers and pigs, while you grill up some tasty steaks!

I bet you are chomping at the bits to experiment with some smoked 7s and stuff! Congrats and happy early birthday.
Damn thats a niiiiice grill brotha! I'm thinking ribs and and giant yellow 7 poppers after lookin at them pics :party: Nice update and harvest.
Nice birthday gift! Plus, less cooking for your spouse = win-win.

I looked at the picture with your daughter in it, and I'm thinking how adorable she is, when my 8 year old walks up and says, " Oh, gross, Justin Bieber!" I didn't even know he knew who that was, LOL!

Your harvest pics keep getting fuller and fuller. I'm consoling myself with the thought that by the time my harvest starts rolling in, yours will be shut down from the relentless heat and humidity down there. Or will your plants produce all summer?
Awesome Grill! nothing better than the start of BBQ season! Those yellow 7s look like baseballs! Whats the large red pot to the left of the yellows?
Loving the grill. Those yellow 7s are indeed huge. Hope mine grow that large (I bought the giant kind from Judy as well).

Correction: The Giant Yellow 7 seeds were a gift from Judy. Gotta love her, giving superhot seeds as gifts.
So... Jamie let me know last week he was sending me a gift pack of peppers, which is awesome! :dance: So I was able to control myself and check the mail only like 4 times a day last week, awaiting the package, as well as calling the post office to see if they had any packages that came in later that didn't go out with the mail truck. But this is all very normal behavior for an adult, so no big deal. Anyway, on Saturday it finally came! :party:

In order: top - yellow scorp, red bhut, choc. bhut, aji lemon (2), red 7 pot (2), brain strain (2), bhut hybrid (2)
bottom - datil (2), yellow 7, sweet venetian habs (2), dorset naga, mystery pepper
Along with that he sent 2 powders and some seeds - all in all, a wonderful gift of awesomeness!


So, I had one of the bhut hybrids with a taco one night - tons of heat! :fireball:

Then a datil on some sloppy joe, and both powders on different sloppy joes. Also, mixed in the ghost pepper and venetian hab with some ground beef and ground venison for a great tasting burger.


I also made a go at the brain strain, and I hope to have the video up on my glog soon.

Thanks Jamie! Awesome care package!
Matt my man! It's like your reading my mind. Smokey yellow 7 powder :party:

John, nice to hear from you. I have quite a few babies going . I will try to get them all.
7 douglah (3 different strains)
7 pod primo
7 pod yellow brain
7 pod white
ts butch T
ts morouga blend
ts chocolate
yellow bhut
caramel bhut
assam bhut
fatali red cross Justaguy
west indian hab
congo trinidad
tobago seassoning
yellow manzano
red rocoto
SBJ7 scotch bonnet jonah 7 cross Patrick
Madballz Patrick
7 pot / choc bhut cross cmpman1974
Carolina cayenne
indian cayenne
I think that's it

Jamison, thanks for checking in. You just nailed it with that comment. JJ's favorite food is ribs and you know how I feel about yellow 7's :drooling:

Bonnie, You know you love Justin Beiber :liar: And yes my peppers produce all year but they will not be as productive I think .

Britt. Hope all is well in the tundra :P That big red pod is one of my Douglah crosses from Wayright

Brian. I am sure your Yellow 7's will get huge. :party:

Thanks Seth. I am a very blessed man. :fireball:

Andy, I am so happy the package made it. It looks like I owe you a yellow 7. Not sure what happened to the stem :rolleyes:

Those burgers look very tasty. I bet they were hotter the next day if you know what I mean.

Your Brainstrain review was full of awesomness. Had me rolling on the ground :rofl: . Like you said your pain is my enjoyment. Looking at the inside of the pod that is one of the hottest you may ever attempt. I personally hope so anyway
Yeah buddy! That grill/smoker in one BA mofo! Let us know how the smoker works for you! I am green with envy over here! Harvest shots over the top as usual my man! I hope to get as many pods as you've sent out...let alone the ones you've kept! I am going to try to smoke the last brain and combine it with some manzano powder and see how it does!
Thanks Shane. I may have to hit you up for advice on the smoker. First time dabbling in it.

And you will have hundreds of pods before long. Your plants are tough mofo's!

That powder sound devine. Should add teh perfect amount of heat to the manzano powder! :fireball:
Mine is an old cast iron grill...not really a smoker. I have just always used it as such. I just build a small fire on one end with a tin of water above it and the food on the other. Is yours gas or electric? Either way I don't have much experience. Keep the temps low and don't smoke them too long is the best advise I can give. Meat you can smoke all day and it tastes wonderful, but the peppers soak up the smoke pretty quick and they can taste burnt if you're not carful. Better to go lightly the first couple rounds then adjust if necessary. I almost always use oak, because its what I have, but I think maple, apple, hickory or pecan would actually work better for peppers. I have been meaning to try some, but its pricey out here in cali and I have an unlimited supply of oak and it works! Keep me posted, I am in the market for a gas or electic smoker and really like the looks of yours!

Take care brotha! Gotta go do my job...ughhh.
As always a pleasure to peruse your glog, Jamie.
Your daughter is sweet. Your peppers are hot.
And your new grill/smoker is awesome.
Woah, sounds like a trifecta!

Thanks again for the care package. Just the Brain left to try.
Maybe in some burger. That sounds pretty good : )

Continued good growin', my friend!
Nice juicy 7's my man.... :dance: ....hey wow ,enough bandwidth for emoticons.... :party:
Nice grill too, gotta love those kinda suprises...Shane NEVER thanked me for that Beiber wig I sent him,..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ...hmm, where is the "Duck and Cover" emoticon....quick!!!!

Broccoli 7 pots.....wow!
Thanks Shane. I am glad you are staying around. Wouldn't be the same without ya :party:

John if they had a powder sticky my family would be in trouble ;)

Paul as usual thank you for the kind words. You are the man :onfire:

Thanks Dave. Shane never thanked me for the signed Justin Beiber cd I sent him. Gotta watch that guy ;)

So I harvested a few more peppers today :dance:


Cut open a Douglah Hybrid. This pod was huge but not as hot as the smaller pods


Then my brotha Al ( Newtune the pod eating machine) had me finish drying and grind some smoked applewood bhuts for him. It is divine. Not sure if I am gonna give it back to him :liar:


Salute :hot:
I love visiting your log, Jamie; the 'few peppers' harvests are just too much!
The smoked applewood bhut powder has a great color!