• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

romy6 2014

 So I guess it is about damn time I started a grow log! Not a whole lot going on at the ranch  :shh:  but hopefully that will change soon. I grow peppers all year around outdoors. I live on the central east coast of Florida. It has many ups and downs but more ups  :fireball: . Bugs such as mites and aphids are always a problem for me. Over the years I am getting better at diagnosing them at a early stage . This Christmas I was lucky enough to have santa bring me an aerogarden and some how managed to make it's nesting place on my kitchen table. I know this is short lived and I will need to find a safer resting spot for it. Here is a pic of my outdoor operation. Most of these plants are between 8 months or older. 

 They look very haggard at the present moment. Lack of sunlight and low humidity will do that. But come spring they better bounce back into action.  :dance:
 Here is my little indoor operation. It isn't much but keeps me happy and grows peppers super fast. I planted a 7 pot lava( judy) , borg9( tmudder), yaki blue( nigel via standbyandfire), true cumari ( from judy) , defcon 7 ( tmudder), choc naga x brain ( me,via winchicken, via tmudder), and parsley for the boy :)
 First to pop was the 7 pot lava. Few days later the defcon 7. Yaki and borg both popped with helmet heads and I managed to kill them trying to remove. I just added a few more seeds in each pouch . 

 Stay tuned and keep it green my fellow chili addicts . 
Very nice Jamie!
Glad to see you're kickin' it! And that the gals are loading up!
I read earlier about the sunshade question. Do you get any scalding? I do big time here, but I think maybe your humidity has to help.
Have a great week!
Devv said:
Very nice Jamie!
Glad to see you're kickin' it! And that the gals are loading up!
I read earlier about the sunshade question. Do you get any scalding? I do big time here, but I think maybe your humidity has to help.
Have a great week!
i was gonna ask where in Texas Devine was but that statement pretty much sums it up! Very hot and not much humidity could it be west Texas?
Keep on doing it brother Jamie, you know 80% of us on here are living vicariously through the 20% of you who are rockin' out the pods already! ;)
Barley-pop57 said:
Looking good Jamie !!!  What size of container is the Lava in----Pics don't lie but 9 ft. is tall for sure !!!!  I've had a couple plants get 6 ft. tall but I think I was lucky....lol.  By the way the others look great too !!  :cheers:
 Thanks Mike . I am sure it is only like 7 feet if you don't count the pot .
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Pod pooooooorn
jedisushi06 said:
Portuge said:
Loving the pod porn Jamie.. Got two birgits going myself and it's looking to be a prolific plant to grow....
 Thank you James . You will love the birgits 
Devv said:
Very nice Jamie!
Glad to see you're kickin' it! And that the gals are loading up!
I read earlier about the sunshade question. Do you get any scalding? I do big time here, but I think maybe your humidity has to help.
Have a great week!
 I never get scalding Scott . I am sure a sun shade would help my plants in the next few months but kids keep me so busy I barely have time to feed my plants . 
chile_freak said:
i was gonna ask where in Texas Devine was but that statement pretty much sums it up! Very hot and not much humidity could it be west Texas?
Keep on doing it brother Jamie, you know 80% of us on here are living vicariously through the 20% of you who are rockin' out the pods already! ;)
 Thanks Paul . In a few months it will be a role reversal . 
GA Growhead said:
Very nice! Lava did look warm.
Your plants are looking amazing!
 Thanks Jason . It will leave your butt screaming for some Gold Bond  ;)
OCD Chilehead said:
Man it's been awhile. Let me congratulate you on a awesome grow. The plants look happy and the pods look tasty. Keep up the good work and thanks for the cool pics.
 Glad to see you Chuck . My pleasure and come again :) 
one pic of my babies . These two love each other 

And an amazing package from my brother Stefan ( meatfreak ) 

Note to self grow some Aleppo soon . 
I cannot get over how HUGE that lava plant is!  It's freak of nature.  And I'm glad you decided not to take on the full pod.  Those babies are un-relenting and insanely hot!  All looks fantastic Jamie!  I said it in the B-Day thread already, but I'll also wish you a Happy Birthday here too!
compmodder26 said:
I cannot get over how HUGE that lava plant is!  It's freak of nature.  And I'm glad you decided not to take on the full pod.  Those babies are un-relenting and insanely hot!  All looks fantastic Jamie!  I said it in the B-Day thread already, but I'll also wish you a Happy Birthday here too!
oh right the bday thread forgot all about that one......
Dude. How did I miss this Glog before? 
Your Florida weather is making me very jealous, those plants are flippin enormous.
Do you even have a concept of "overwintering" down there or do you just leave 'em in the dirt all year round?
(And no I'm not talking about the hordes of senior citizens overwintering lol)