Romy6 7 Pot Brown Review

Niiice. That looks like it was boatloads of fun!!! Your heat tolerance is epic. 
I need to find those and grow them out next to a douglah.
7-pot brown vs 7-pot douglah. Are they very similar, the same or very different??? I`ve only eaten douglahs. 
Ive actually never tried a douglah. Jamie thought he sent me some but didnt. I think the brown douglah is not supposed to have a pleasant taste. Heat and taste Im sure goes to the 7 pod brown. Thanks for the comment! I cant speak for the Biker Douglah or Billy BoyDouglah.
I've had both and the 7 Pot brown beats the Douglah hands down in both heat and flavor (especially flavor).  I CAN'T STAND the flavor of the Douglahs.  So much so that I really don't wish to ever eat one again.  It is highly bitter.  In contrast, the 7 Pot Brown has an excellent sweet flavor.  And in my opinion, the 7 Pot Brown has superior heat to the Douglah.
Another video showing me why I should never eat one of these! LOL great video" I LIKE IT!!"

Speaking of Douglah's I rocked some of Kevin's awesome Douglah DANCE :dance: :dance: powder last night on some homemade beans,ham,carrots,and jalapenos. My neighbor called em Frijoles por elaco(sp?) As they do pay you a visit the next morning. He is speaking Texican,because what he really wants to say I think is frijoles por el culo! LOL
Kevin smoked these,so I never got the bitter. Just smokey awesomeness,then POW :fireball:
Again great review!(sorry for the side track lol)
How do others use Browns in cooking?
I was thinking about attempting a steaksauce? Even a dry rub?
@ Fremp the 7 pot browns make a great steak sauce actually, my buddy Todd makes his Scorch steak sauce using 7 browns and its the best steak sauce Ive tried! Great flavor and lots of burn!
 You guys have never had one of my Douglah's. I put taste and heat right with brown 7. But I do often wonder if they are not the same . I know they are not but isn't a douglah just a brown 7  ;)
 Awesome review Jon. I will get ya one of my douglah soon. And yes Todd's scorch steak sauce is on of my all time fav's!!!!
Right on brotha thanks! To answer your question about the Douglah and 7 pod brown. They are not the same. Even though Ive never tried one most people would agree the taste of a Douglah isnt very good. Its supposed to have a bitter battery acid taste to it. Where as the 7 brown is a lot more subtle and more of a pleasant floral taste.The brown Douglah I believe also has a smoother skin texture compared to the 7 pot brown. There are other types of Douglahs as well, such as Billy Boy and Biker and others ( I think ) lol. Dont quote me on this stuff :)
Nice review Jon,
Jamie's the best.......the Brown 7/Pots always get to me, a burning piece of lump charcoal. They do however make a tasty powder or combined with a few other ingredients make a fine sauce.  
megahot said:
@ Fremp the 7 pot browns make a great steak sauce actually, my buddy Todd makes his Scorch steak sauce using 7 browns and its the best steak sauce Ive tried! Great flavor and lots of burn!
I watch his video updates,and didn't see this sauce until just recently during the start of his videos. So it got me thinking...A-1 is kinda bitter,some of you mentioned its bitterness. :idea: went off! Also I'm boycotting A-1 now,so that was another reason.
Like Alabama Jack told me"I got tired of tasting other peoples idea of good"
...something like that! LOL
I dont like A-1 sauce either for the same reason, the bitterness! I would describe Todds Scorch sauce as being more of a sweet taste to it, actually. Ive never heard anybody describing it as being bitter. As you said everybody's taste is different! You got me curious as to who said that. I think he uses either brown sugar or molasses or even both in his Scorch sauce. Will have to check.
No not the sauce being bitter,but some of the Brown varieties ;)
And yes a-1 is bitter as well,but as for Todds sauce..well idk yet. Def going to buy some of this stuff!!!
compmodder26 said:
I've had both and the 7 Pot brown beats the Douglah hands down in both heat and flavor (especially flavor).  I CAN'T STAND the flavor of the Douglahs.  So much so that I really don't wish to ever eat one again.  It is highly bitter.  In contrast, the 7 Pot Brown has an excellent sweet flavor.  And in my opinion, the 7 Pot Brown has superior heat to the Douglah.
After reading that, I'm thinking, combine both the bitter, sweet,and making a ginger sauce..Thanks for the review again,really gets the :fire: going for kitchen ideas!!
Holy hell! That def looks like it would be good, although a little painful. I am down for the pain though. I just got a death pack hot sauce box from Tiajuana flats back in Florida. I love heat!
In case if anyone wants to see my take on both the douglah and the 7 Pot brown, here's the links.  Jon if I'm hijacking your review, let me know and I'll take them off immediately.
7 Pot Brown
Edit: After watching both again, I realize I misspoke earlier.  The heat is actually pretty similar between the both.  But I stand by my assessment of the flavor.
Nigel said:
7-pot brown vs 7-pot douglah. Are they very similar, the same or very different??? I`ve only eaten douglahs. 
 They are a very different plants. I have not had a chance to eat any ripe ones yet thought.
I convinced myself they were the same last month when I got my first round of 7 browns, but after looking at the plants today, they are definitely different. I can't tell the difference in taste or heat between the two, but the pods are a completely different shape now.