Oh, SHOOT! All my posts have been disqualified...I didn't include the "money" shot!
And Bay Leaf in the soup. I like using bay leaves, John doesn't get it, and gives me a bad time whenever he finds one. Whatever, I know it helps in the stew, beans, or whatever.
I used to work in the kitchen at a Job Corp center back in the late 80's. One time a kid found a bay leaf in his food, came up to the serving line throwing a big ol' fit accusing the cooks of putting trees in the food. The cook had to take him back into the kitchen and open the spice jar to prove it wasn't from the rhododendron bushes outside.
The campus also housed some mentally ill patients. There was this one guy Wally, who was a pretty sweet, timid and sensitive guy. One day, Wally came up to the serving line with his tray of food, really upset, almost crying. He'd spilled his glass of milk onto his tray. It was all I could do not to bust up laughing as I told him, "it's OK Wally, no use crying over spilt milk."
True Story.