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Sad, sickly plant. :(

Hey THP folks! I have a plant that is looking quite sad and I don't know why. All the others are looking just fine. The only thing I did recently was top dress with some epsom salts and a bit of organic fert 5-5-5. This plant had minor leafminer damage, other than that, I don't know why it's looking so sick compared to the others. Please help.

Pic compared to his brothers:


Close-up. It's just drooping and dropping leaves like crazy:


Close-up of opaque view of leaves. On the surface the leaves don't look that bad but when you look at them through light they appear to have dots all over them. This is on all the leaves:


Any thoughts on what could be causing this? Too much magnesium? Disease?

I'm going to test PH soon. Any insight would be much appreciated. Thank you for your help!
Ya, it hasn't been that sunny. Yesterday the index was pretty low and it was cold and partly cloudy. I'll put him in the shade for now to see if that helps. Thanks Fade.
A couple of my plants would droop like that when I fist started putting them out in the sun. I'd bring them inside and put them under floro's for a bit and they'd perk back up. It took a bit but they got used to being outside.

If you look really closely at the leaf on the plant in the middle pic you can see white buildup of residue as if they've been sprayed with something. I assume you've been spraying them with Epsom salts as you mentioned magnesium. I'm guessing here, but it looks like it was sprayed with a solution that's either too strong, or it was sprayed after the pours on the leaves closed (mid-day sort of a thing). Foliar feeding should be done either early morning or late evenings. I prefer evenings so the plant has all night to absorb it.

If not epsom salt, did you spray them with a pesticide, neem oil, home remedy etc.?
Ya San, it happened overnight. Came out to check on them yesterday morning and they were all droopy as if they needed water. Then between then and now they dropped a bunch of leaves.

Blister, I sprayed them with epsom salt solution, 1 tblsp / gallon. I sprayed them almost a week ago at midnight. I also gave them about a 1/2 teaspoon epsom salt top dress and watered it in. You think they got too much mag? I brought this guy in the shade. Hope he pulls through!! :( I did exactly the same amounts and procedure for the other plants which are the same type as this one. Don't know why this one got rocked though...

Thanks for your posts.
Nope that's the same amount that I use on my plants when I'm spraying them. I'm not sure what's going on, but hopefully the shade helps it out.
Hum. Well, I've got it away from all the other plants and I hope it pulls through in the shade too. I'll let you guys know if anything changes. Luckily I have a few more of these plants, just bummed that my experiments will lose a result with this one plant getting the swine flu... oh wells. Thanks for your input all!