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condiment Salsa Roja Mia

1C. white vinegar
1/2 C. chipotle water (see below)
3 jalapenos, roasted and peeled
2 chipotles, rehydrated
2 1/4oz bag of dried chiles de arbol, de-stemmed and de-seeded (or a large handful)
4 dried chiles guajillo
4-6 tomatillos
1 head garlic
1 carrot, diced
1/2 white onion, sauteed
1 TBLS sea salt
1 TBLS whole, dried Mexican oregano
1/2 TSP ground cumin

Start by getting the tomatillos and carrot simmering in water until the tomatillos are soft.  If carrot is not soft, leave it in longer.  Transfer tomatillos and carrot to blender.  Reserve water. 
Place chipotles in 1-2 cups of boilng water, cover, and remove from heat, for 30 minutes. Then, remove stems, chop, and transfer chiles to blender.  Reserve water. 
Pan roast the garlic, peel, and transfer to blender. 
Broil jalapenos and peel.  Remove stems, chop chiles, and transfer to blender.
Lightly coat frying pan with oil, and fry chiles de arbol until they darken.  Do not burn them!  This step does not take long if your pan is hot.  Transfer to blender.  Repeat this step with the whole chiles guajillos.  After they darken, cut off stems and transfer to blender.
Sautee onion until soft, chop, transfer to blender.

Add 1 cup white vinegar, plus 1/2 cup of the reserved chipotle water to the blender.

A full blender.  Puree carefully.

Simmer on stove 15 minutes.  Now is the time to thin the sauce out, if you wish with the reserved water from the tomatillos/carrot.  It is a very dense tasting sauce, so you shouldn't worry that extra water might dilute the flavor. 

The sauce is actually deeper red in color than these photos are showing.  Not terribly hot, but full flavored.
texas blues said:
Only 'thang I'da done differnt' is take off the paper on the garlic.
I'd hit that recipe and sauce repeatedly and often with some chips.
Most excellente'
 I peeled the garlic after roasting.  Leaving the skins on while roasting keeps them from burning inside. 