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SalsaKid & Salsalady eat...a REAL BHUT!


Business Member
I received an irresistible offer from wkwegg, and today we opened a package with 2 very beautiful jolokias in it! And in the true spirit of the forum, we did what we could to video the initiation. We used the video feature on our Kodak digital camera...first time we've used it...and discovered that if a subject moves and the camera has to refocus, it stops taping.

So the youtube video is a little choppy, but it's all there. Thanks,WK for the peppers! They are delicious! :onfire: I used the last of today's sample pod in some black bean salsa for this weekend's party. I'll try to take some pics or vids~ (evilgiggle)
SalsaKid says-
thanks wayright, I love the Seahawks.

Salsalady says-
Thank you all for the comments. It was very fun and I can't wait to try more! In the mean time, I'll share the pleasure with some friends this weekend.
Salsakids reaction to eating the pepper is priceless, first cream soda and whip cream then ice cream. To be honest the shape is not right to be a true Bhut Jolokia more congo shaped and not pointy. Nice video though salsalady.
OUTSTANDING SL AND SON!! Ya'll get the hot blue and righteous AND the Killermanjaro! Special kudo's to Salsa Son for manning it up big time! Jump back and kiss 'yo bad selves one time!
we are happy and not in pain...which is a good thing...

I whizzed up the last little bit with 3 Mystery Peppers from the chile patch into a batch of black bean salsa.

I'll post pics in the morning of the other pepper.

Thanks for the kudos, especially for 'Kid. He's always been a trooper when it comes to the hot stuff :mouthonfire: .....especially when mom has a new recipe to experiment on...OOPS!... I mean....taste test!... :lol:
SL and SK - You guys ROCK!!!! absolutely AWESOMETOWN!! I think this may be my fave hot chilli vid EVER!!! Well done Salsa Lady and Salsa Kid!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Nice video SL I enjoyed it. The whipped cream scene kind of reminded me of the dumb and dumber movie where they are eating atomic peppers and trying everything to stop the heat after. Glad to see you and salsa kid enjoying the burn as a bonding experience. Hope all is well with you and the family. Have a great time at the picnic this weekend. ;)
Congrats you 2 !!

BTW those are the fattest Bhut Jolokias I've ever seen - they look more like a Trinny pepper like a 7pod variety than Bhut still way hot though Salsa Kids got bigger cajones than I do thats for sure and I more than triple his age :rofl: :rofl:
Salsalady and SalsaKid....all I got to say is WELL DONE... :woohoo: :woohoo: :clap: :clap:

you will see what the guys are talking about as far as the shape goes when your bhuts get ripe...they are definitely more pointer and thinner...that being said...both of you have larger cajones than I do...
Thanks everyone for the comments, <highfivesallaround>

Here's a couple pictures of the one we still have-


Great video. You guys really had me laughing! "THAT'S IT!? THAT'S IT?!" AHAHAHAHA! Maybe next time salsakid will trust salsamom the next time she's dolling out hot peppers ;).
Thats great! I agree that they dont resemble bhuts as much as a Caribbean Red, I got an awesome 2 foot tall fruiting plant in FL .. looks exactly the same

Thanks for sharing w us!

Nicole xo