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sauce substitution questions

I have a recipe for ghost pepper sauce that calls for 10 dried aji panca chilis, and I would like to substitute fresh mild habaneros, can someone tell me how many habs equals 10 aji panca? I have no experience with aji panca. If I had to take a wild guess I would say 15-20 habs to 10 aji panca, and that sounds like a ton of habs for 2 cups of sauce, but they also have little to no heat. Or how much would 10 fresh aji pancas weigh?
For your first batch I would try testing out at a 1 for 1 ratio. Not knowing what the rest of the ingredients are but that there are ghost peppers in it there is going to be plentyt of heat. My assumption that the inclusion of the Aji Pancas in the sauce is as part of flavor profile the sauce designer was trying to get. Since your only making 2 cups, a good weekends worth around here, you'll quickly know if it's what you want and can add or take away for your next batchg.

Good luck and happy saucing
I think he wants to know by weight/volume not heat, so the consistency is the same.

I don't know the answer, try ballparking it but by just under, you can always add, can't take out.
you might be able to find out the weight of each pepper fruit online somewhere? I think a lot of seed/seedling sites have that in the description - if you can get that you'll be able to use fairly simple math to do a conversion to get the volume/consistency right. good luck!
most chiles dry at about 10:1 10(units) of fresh chiles will dry to about 1(unit). I'm not familiar with that particular aji chile, so I can't help you with that. If you can find some information about the dried chile's size and weight, you could do the math.

If you can find some dried aji's online somewhere and get an idea how many dried aji chiles are in a ounce, you can figure it out. If you find out that there are 15 chiles in 1 ounce of dried aji chiles, then 10 dried chiles would be about 2/3 of an ounce.

Knowing dried chiles dry at a 10:1 ratio, 2/3 of an ounce of dried would be about 6.3 ounces fresh.

You'll have to substitute the actual numbers if you can find the dried chiles online, but that's how I'd try to figure it out. Fresh chiles will effect the consitency, so you may need to adjust the liquids or simmer it down.

Have Fun!!! post pics~ :cool: