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Savannah Update

Hello fellow pepper heads.

It's been awhile since I've posted updates. Work got a bit crazy and I kind of forgot about the inter webs.

Here's an update on what I have ready to move outside. Some might remember the big plant from when I posted questions in January.




Carolina reapers. The one on the left will need water soon.


Forgot to label which is which here. There's a mix of red savina, aji lemon, and jalapeño. The clone is from the habenero.

Any comments and suggestions much appreciated!
It is inside of a dome. Maybe I don't know what you mean by hardening off. I clipped it without intentions of using it as a clone and then just decided to experiment because I had the space. It hasn't died or lost any leaves so I'm not sure what's happening with it. Now that I can actually get my outdoor garden ready I'll probably take cloning seriously.
So it is under a dome, nice clear picture :D
After a week under the dome at 100% I break them in (harden off) to the room humidity, sometimes they can wilt like that if RH drops without enough roots.