• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in The Food Biz.

Saved Sourdough Hooch

I drained about 4 oz. of hooch off from my sourdough starter. I have it in a clean mason jar in the fridge.
Anybody have any storage suggestions to keep it viable? Do I need to feed it? If so, what do I feed it? Is cold storage recommended or can it be stored at room temperature? Thanks in advance.

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dragonsfire said:
I noticed mine has separated a couple days ago, yes you have to feed it and keep it active. I keep it in the fridge.
I’m sorry my questions were about the hooch from the sourdough. Trying to save the hooch for future hot sauce ferments.
Thanks for information about sourdough.I have never seen that page on that website before. Thanks

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Hooch is a byproduct and if I'm not mistaken it's alcohol . . not sure what it would gain you in ferments.  I don't believe it would be "active" or contain any good stuff for starting a ferment. . . 
The fermenting peppers 101 sticky from RocketMan states you can use sourdough hooch to ferment peppers since it contains lacto bac. Just wondering if I can keep my hooch healthy after draining it off my starter.

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